027| Evilspawn

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"Bye Stevie, love you!"

"Love you too Sharon!"

I wasn't allowed to enter the same room as Steve and Satan while she was over, safety reason apparently. Only when he grossly told her he loved her, was I allowed to see my friends.

"Y/N, you can come out now!"

Tony called me in to the room and I entered, spreading sage I had bought online all over the room. Tony almost choked on his drink as I made my way across the room, getting ride of what ever she left here. I mean after the devil themselves leaves your home, it's the only correct thing to do.

"Are you burning sage!?"

"Yes Steve, the devil was here I have to make sure we are clean!"

"Honestly Y/N, why can't you and Sharon just get along?!"

"I mean you saw the video and yet I still see that blonde son of a bitch in my home almost everyday!"

"I mean you don't help the situation!"

Steve was yelling this down the hall as I had returned to my room to pick up a portrait I intended to hang in the lounge. I arrived back in, hung the marvellous picture of one Peggy Carter up on the wall and saw Steve turn red with anger.

"I feel like my idol deserves her own portrait, so she can watch over us, always.."

"This isn't funny Y/N!"

"I mean she's a feministic icon, who helped found shield. I have looked into her cases you know, she is so much better than Sharon!"

"Y/N don't start, not today!"

"Hey Tony, did you know Peggy helped clear your fathers name by betraying the S.S.R, with the help of Jarvis!"

"No actually, I didn't know-"

"Y/N you're only doing this to piss me off!"

"The captain said a bad language word, I'm impressed!"

Steve then stormed out of the room, not wanting to deal with my bullshit anymore. Thats when the um, well lets just say my sage didn't keep the devil out.

"Hey guys sorry I left my phone-"

Yeah Satan had emerged from the elevator to see me, the portrait of Peggy and sage in my left hand. We all know this isn't going to end well.

"Um, what's going on?"


"Is that my aunt?!"

"I don't know, you tell me, she's your aunt not mine.."

"Your insane Y/N, a crazy insane bitch!"

"Can I shoot her?"

"Not in public Y/N.." Bucky said from his seat, sipping a whisky.

"You have no respect for me!"

"Why should I respect you?"

"Because I'm a superior agent, Steves girlfriend-"

"That can be changed.."

"Okay Y/N, thats enough.." Tony begged.

"I was done ages ago, this asshole keeps talking!"

"I'm leaving!"

"Bye darling, see you next time!"

Sharon was so pissed as she hoped in the elevator. The team turned their attention to me, disappointed looks gracing their faces.

"I'm not sorry, the devil needs to be put down."

"You are insane.." Sam chuckled.

"I know baby, I'm crazy.."

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