013| Homework

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"Peter do you have the math homework?"

"It's on my desk, you can grab it if you want"

My head was dug into my phone so I didn't realise that everyone was in the room, including Tony.

"Kid, you can't just copy Peters homework, you have to do it yourself!"

"I just don't get it, plus spiddy is smart, its always correct"

"I'll do it with you, we can figure it out"

Tony was trying to teach my how to do it, I did not understand his method.

"But the teacher told us to do it this way!"

"Thats not the way!"

"It must have changed!"

"Why?! Why did they change math?!"

"I don't know!"


Mr. PhD strolled in, ready to answer our questions. He did not expect to see both of us in tears.

"Bruce they changed the math!" I yelled.

"Its okay, um let me see."

He reviewed all of our work and sat us both down to teach us both ways. I mean that smarty proved to be very resourceful. After a while, I finally got the hang of it. Tony found a piece of paper which I had my notes for history scribbled down on and question me on it.

"Whats this for?"

"American history, its really hard so I'll study-"


Steve arrived in, I mean he was American main man. He found a blackboard, yes you heard me right I said a fucking blackboard, and began his lesson. It lasted so long but I knew it would be beneficial in the long run. After he was done, I told him I had some things to do and to leave me be.

I pulled out the little robot I was making for my engineering class. I was messing around, trying to make it work better.

"Okay let's try, forward"

The bot moved forward along my floor boards, cause me to jump with joy.

"Okay, backwards.."

After a moment, the robot followed the command.

"Yes! So getting a good grade for this!"

There was a small knock at my door. I forgot about my project on the floor and let the person in.

"So kid, everything okay with school"


I was slowly blocking the robot from Tonys view but of course, he noticed.

"What you got there?"

"Okay don't freak out? I but I build it for my engineering class, its my project and-"

"Oh my god.. she's a Stark! PEPPER SHES AN ENGINEER!"

I was regretting this right now.

"I said no freaking out!"

"It's just exciting! Let me see!"

I showed him my bot and what I could make it do.

"I know it's not much but I still-"

"For little resources, this is amazing!"

"Please you made mark one in a cave!"

"Yeah but I had experience, what's the projects name?"

Oh god I forgot to tell him the name. He's going to cry again.

"Eh, Anthony, don't freak out!"

A small tear rolled down his face as he hugged me.

"I love him. If you need help, come to me, okay"

Well that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Tony left my room, shutting the door behind me, that went way better than I thought it could have. I mean a lot less tears.


Never mind.

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