063| Life in War

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I couldn't tell you how it begun, I just know that currently, we were at war.

It was like the Civil War all over again, except it wad worse. I mean these halls, were no longer safe to walk through.

"Darling it's time to go to school, we have to leave Pietro behind, he was shot down. Scott had control and the power has gone to his head.." I said, teleporting into her room.

"Could you not escape your room, what did they do to you!?" She said, kissing my check and grabbing her bag.

"Thor stacked cups of water in front of it, I was never gonna make it here alive, I had to teleport.."

Did I forget to mention that this was a prank war, I'm really good at making things dramatic. I mean it had gotten pretty hard to live in the tower, with Scott and his Nerf gun.

"It's Nerf or nothing bitches!" He would scream as he ran through the tower, taking all his enemy's down with him.

I was getting Wanda out of the tower safely, it was a main priority of mine. I took a bullet for her, granted it was paint so I was okay. 

"Okay love, I'll teleport us out of-"

"We need to go out, in the hallway. You can't teleport us forever!"

"Actually I can, and I will. Come on we-"

"It's time to leave!" She said, walking towards the door.

"You don't wanna do this.." I yelled, moving to the door.

"Don't forget me.." She said, opening it.

Okay low key, this was way more dramatic than it needed to be but the following events shall be reviewed in slow motion.

First, Wanda took out the saran wrap that blocked the door. Next, she took two water balloons in which had been engineered to hit her when she left her room. She tripped on the water, landing on a wholly cushion. But even still, she got up and prepared for the final battle, Scott Lang.

"You will feel the wrath, on my gun!" He yelled, jumping out of a door way.

"I could throw you through a wall, but I'm just gonna let you have this one.." She said, extending her arms and closing her eyes.

I decided to add to the flare, appearing and shoving her out of the way.

"Why?!" She yelled from the floor.

"Because, it was always meant to be-"

"What the actual fuck is going on, we leave for a few days and this is what happens?!" Tony yelled, dropping his suitcase.

Did I forget to mention we were unsupervised? I mean after that day, Scott was never left uncharge again. I mean it was quite the sight. Scott had a Nerf gun pointed at me, Wanda was laying on the ground and I had my arms wide open in surrender. Pietro was just chilling on the floor, he was dead but could still use his phone. He's just built different or something.

After 5 days of no trust, getting shot, getting dunked with water, having to make your own food, Tony had stopped the war. Peace had been restored and Scotts gun, had been burnt as a symbol of peace.

I mean it's not like he would be insane enough to buy another one and star another war when-

"It's Nerf or nothing dicks!" 

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