0172| Legal Skydiver

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I can now legally buy spray paint.

That's right, I am now officially 18 years old. My birthday, my day. Unlike Tony, I don't need a week-long drunken celebration. They would need at least a month to celebrate all of this.

But this year I chose a simplistic approach. A gathering of friends.

"Happy birthday my love.." Wanda said as I woke up.

The best way to wake up is with a hot lady lying next to you, by the way.

"Thank you my darling..." I smiled back.

"I got you a gift, hang on.." She said, quickly getting out of bed and running to get something.

"If you put a bow on your head and say the best gift of all is you, like last year, I won't complain!" I yelled into her.

She arrived in with flowers and a small box. Hopping back into the bed beside me, I opened the box to reveal a necklace with a 'w' initial on it, the letter engraved into a heart.

Then while a marvelled at how beautiful the present was, Wanda revealed a matching only around her neck, only it this time had my initial on it.

"It's amazing, really it's all amazing.." I said, giving her a thank you kisses.

"And it can go with the bracelet, that one you seem to never take off.." She giggled, holding onto the bracelet around my wrist.

You may remember it from the first road trip I took Wanda on, when we weren't together but she was like totally in love with me. It had an engraving of the words 'My Favorite'.

Should have known she was completely obsessed with me.

Granted, I was completely obsessed with her, so.

"I am gonna apologize for this.." She then said, texting someone on her phone.


I heard music, a balloon popped, singing. I saw dancing, Steve jumping when the balloon popped and cake. It was like a personal parade staring at my parents.

They sang a beautifully off-key version of happy birthday before allowing me to blow out the candles.

"Happy birthday daughter!" They screamed, Nat, looking embarrassed for the dads, who were now doing jazz hands.

"Happy birthday kiddo.." Nat said, leaning past the dancing idiots to hug me.

"Thank you, very much.." I smiled back.

Everyone had come around, space people, wizard people, regular human people. We had what size thought would be a small get together , although I forgot how many team members we actually had.

I actually thought about inviting that bitch Flash just so I could have all his hero's roast the shit out of him.

"Happy birthday bitch.." Loki said once they arrived at the party.

"Hey! You made it!" I smiled, choosing to hug them even though they hated hugs, it's my birthday they can't say anything.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I got you a present.." They said, handing me a long box.

I already knew it was a dagger, just not expecting such a beautiful one to appear. When looking at it I saw it had words on the side of the handle. It said 'Loki's Favorite Whore'.

"Aw, you know me so well!" I laughed back.

We had so many people giving me free stuff. My favourite aunty Carol, her girlfriend Vallykire, the Guardians, Dr Strange, even Nicholas attended with a card.

"Aw Nikki, you love me that much that you would get me a card.." I smiled, taking it from him.

"Sure, tiny Stark, I hope you read it closely.." He said suspiciously, walking away for some soda or something.

Out of curiosity, I took the card out of the envelope to see what he meant. Inside the words 'Watch your back, advice from a very experienced spy'. Now, what the fuck does that mean.

Hahaha, utter bullshit it was if I'm honest. Spoiler alert, you cried.

I decided to put it out of my mind to enjoy the rest of my day. Laughing and talking, listing to good old Y/N stories.

Even though I told Tony to go low key on the cake, he chose like an eight tiered one. I still was appreciative of the gigantic thing and maybe my wish.

'Peace and good shit this year' was the wish I decided on.

That didn't even last three days, I guess the wish fairy took a day off.

As I blew out the candles, I saw Fury at the doorway of the room. He gave me a wink before leaving the tower, his words ringing in my ear.

'Watch your back, advice from a very experienced spy'

"Quick get a photo of everyone!" Some yelled, everyone, huddling around me to get in for a family shot, curtsy of JARVIS.

Well happy 18th birthday to me, if it could be happy.

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