0161| Celebrity Buzz

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As a billionaire, Tony had away in the celebrity world.

Therefore, since he's probably fucked many well know celebs, he has a lengthy knowledge of the public's most asked questions.

So I feel like it's about time we get into the most asked questions.

"Is it true that Kanye cheated on Kim with Jeffree Star?" I opened with.

"Where do you get these things from?!" He knew this was gonna be a trip.

"You didn't answer.." I replied.

"I have no idea, it's probably fake.." Tony replied.

"How many Kar-Jenners have you slept with?" I asked in a serious tone.

"One, only one.." He spoke with pride, I thought this man whore had fucked all of them my bad.

"Was it Kylie?" I asked again.

"No she doesn't like me because I'm richer and hotter than her, we had words.." He explained again.

I took some thought as to which sister he slept with, although I never did get an answer, I just presumed it was the mother.

"Speed round?"

Now when so propose a speed round, it's a lighting fast set of questions that I get yes or no answers to. I mean I've got a lot to ask.

"Is Stevie Wonder really blind because Twitter doesn't think so?" I opened with.

"As far as I know he is.."

"Did Beyoncé kidnap Sia and lock her in her basement in 2016?"

"What- no!" He almost yelled in disbelief.

"Is the Illuminati real and if so, are you in it?" I practically interrogated.

"I cannot disclose that information.." He quietly replied.

"I knew it. Okay, how many celebrities have been cloned?" I asked.


"How many have been replaced by a look-alike because the real deal died?" I asked again.

"Too many.."

"Is Tupac alive?" Serious questions only I guess.

"Maybe, the guy owned an island and told nobody.." Tony explained.

"Did Marilyn Monroe have an affair with John F. Kennedy and when the government found out they killed her?" I thought out loud.

"I was around at that period of time, but I believe it to be true.."

"A very important one, are Harry and Louis dating?" I asked, god the pressure was unreal.

"Yes, Larry thrives.."

A win for the directioners if I do say so myself, I'll inform twitter of our success.

"Moving on from the greatest discovery ever, did they freeze Walt Disney, like dad and other dad?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, I'll look into it.."

"Is Harry really the Queen and Phipps kid? Or did she sleep with Ed Sheehan?" I asked.

"Ed probably wasn't even alive.."

"That's not answering the question. As a follow-up, does Ed lead a cult for gingers?"

I feel like that was the last straw. You know, cause he left the room. But hey, at least we know some things now.

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