074| Night To Remember

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For some reason, I wasn't apart of important missions.

It could be because I'm too tired, too petty, too pretty or just too damn good at my job but Tony rarely gave me a mission of such importance. They especially don't give my missions with my girlfriend but suddenly, all that changed.

"Your going undercover, with Wanda, oh hi Wanda.." Tony said, barging into my room not releasing me and Wanda were mid-film. Some people are just so rude.

"Now?" I asked, bestie I was too lazy for this shit. "I wanted to spend time with my Wanda.." I said, cuddling in beside her.

"Everyones on missions or doing things, believe me, you two are not my first choice to pair together to have an easy mission.." Tony said before rolling his eyes, making us follow him out of the room.

"What do you mean?!" I yelled after him, "we are a dynamic duo, the Bonnie and Clyde of this establishment!"

"More like dumb and dumber!"

"Tony I will fight you, bestie I will come for you!" I yelled down the hall, chasing him with anger.

The mission itself seemed to be simple enough, your girl would be a staff member at a restaurant and Wanda would be meeting the client. I sort of zoned out because the thought of Tonys nagging usually bored me to sleep but apparently these bad dudes wanted to buy something and we were like 'bestie no' and they were like 'but we want it'.

It was a whole thing apparently but I was too tired to care and my garlic bread was getting cold. I have priority okay? I'm not ashamed of it.

"Will I look hot?" 

Okay so maybe it wasn't the appropriate time or question, we know your girl is always hot, but I think father was really pissed that Steve and Nat were in some hotel together and not around to deal with my bullshit.

"Just be ready to go in 20" Tony said, bro needs to take a chill pill.

So your girl looked like a hot bartender/ waitress/ bad bitch and Wanda was simply too amazing to put into words. Like wow am I lucky, my girlfriend is hot as fuck.

"In position" 

I was behind the bar, next to the booze for some reason even though I'm underaged, I was next to it. I mean I'm the responsible one. I realise how funny I sound currently.

"I see the client.." Wanda said through coms.

I was keeping an eye on her, I swear the person that lays a hand her would lose it. Like Captain Hook shit was on the cards for that loser.

"Hey, I'm Cindy.." Wanda said extending her hand. My darling was too hot to be called Cindy, no offence to any Cindy's out there.

"Your a little bit young, no?" 

The buyer had a thick accent, he was built quite big and was in all black. I mean did he look like a villain? Yes. Do I want to kill him because I'm scared for my girlfriends life? Very much so.

"So, do you have it?" The buyer asked.

"I do.." She responded, crossing her legs and leaning her head in her hands. Um okay, I think this is jealousy. God I love her, its low key annoying how much I do.

"I see you game," He whispered, "I  would like to take you and my prize home, little Avenger"

By the look on her face, I knew her cover was blown. I quickly removed myself from behind he bar, getting closer to their table.

"You should tell your friend to back down, I will shoot the second either one of you move" He said, ensuring to the gun he held to Wanda, "Around us, we have many shooters pointed at you and your friend. You will follow me, leaving her behind"

Wanda looked at me, holding her ear piece saying, "Stand down Y/N.."

"Your doing what?! I'm coming with you!"

"No, no your not stand down.."

What should have been me, Wanda and garlic bread actually turned into me, Wanda and hostage situation. I really should have stayed in bed.

I didn't know what to do and scanned the room, noticing we were surrounded by dudes with guns. So step one, remove them. That was sort of easy and fun if I'm honest. Step two, follow Wanda to the vehicle and stop it from moving.

"Freeze bitches!" I yelled before anything could go further.

"Y/N are you insane! He had shooters pointed at you!" Wanda protested, still being held onto by the guy. I mean there were no shooters left, I would be fine, probably. I'm not the best at staying safe I've learned.

"We know I'm insane!" I yelled back, "You made a real big mistake taking my girl tonight, pal.." I yelled, turning my attention to the guy.

"Please, someone take this women out!" The guy said, momentarily taking his guy from Wanda to wave it.

Thats when we struck, Wanda removed the gun and I used my powers to take him to the ground.  Once I was sure we were clear, Wanda raced over to me, holding me close.

"Never again, nope you almost died.." I said, running my hands through her hair.

"Okay, enough for tonight.." She whispered, wiping my tears from my eyes, "Let's just go home love.."

Eventually I did get my garlic bread and my girl. The evening hadn't gone quite s planned, you know me thinking I almost lost the best thing I had, but things always work out. I mean they always do, don't they? 

Hey Everyone!

Okay so holy shit, this book is about to hit 150k reads! I'm honestly blown away because this was just a bit of fun and now its something huge. My uploads have been crazy because of some personal issues and school but I'm trying to get back into it. Also my Wattpad dm thing is always open and I would love for people to hmu through there!"

Thank you for the crazy support and I love you all!

-Jamie :)

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