0120| Tony, I Shrunk The Kids!

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I mean Pietro is the blame, not me.

It started when we were all just hanging out in the living run, Pietro was arguing something with Peter, Loki was cussing them both out and Wands just wanted cuddles, off of me of course. Thats when we noticed the little silver case just chilling on the coffee table, I mean it looked sketchy, so we decided to open it.

"Oh my god, it's mini frisbees!" Loki said, going to grab one when Peter slapped his hand out of the way, that bitch.

"These are what Scott uses the shrink down!" Peter said, pointing to the disks, his hand was so close to touching one, "If you use it, you could become the size of an ant!"

"So we can touch it?" Pietro asked.

"No! You're cannot!" Peter said, slamming the case shut.

"Well, I think we should.." Pietro said, using that little super speed power of his to grab the case and move across the room.

"Pietro!" Loki said in disgust, "Without me?!"

"I'm sorry Loki, but I needed to think fast if I wanted to have some fun-"

"Can you all shut the fuck up?! Wanda is very tired and the sounds of your puny little voices are pissing us both off!" I interrupted.

"Well for that-" Pietro said, opening the case and grabbing a disk, "You get to go bye bye first Y/N!"

With that, he threw a disk as me, shrinking me to the size of a match stick, no scratch that, I was even smaller. Everything looked huge, the sofa, the room, the people. Wanda was desperately searching the sofa to find the little me, yelling at Pietro at the same time.

"I am going to murder you Pietro! You shrunk my girlfriend and now I can't find her! I will kill you-"

"Okay blah blah, you're getting boring little sister! Bye bye to you too!" He called out, shrinking her down too.

I saw the whole think happening, where she was just quickly turned into the same speck size as me. I fucking sprinted to her, like ran for my life. I needed to see if she was alright and when I found her, she was just running around in circles not knowing what she was doing.

"Are you okay!?" I yelled, still running to her.

"Y/N?! I'm okay! I'm here!" She yelled, running to me.

"What the hell if your brother thinking, he's an absolute-"

I was cut of by seeing Peter being shrunk down, followed by Loki. They were on the floor, we were on the sofa. So I mean technically we had the high ground. I guess Pietro was bored being the only one that wasn't size of an ant so he shrunk down too.

I mean Isimply teleported Wanda and I down there to the boys, knowing full well that we were gonna have some fun.

"Wanda.." I said, pulling her aside from the group.

"Yes love?" She whispered.

"We need to establish dominancy, also lock your brother up!" I replied.

"What?" She said, laughing her heart out.

"Well we don't know how long we will be down here, your brother is the cause of this!"

"Alight, make him a prison using your powers and maybe consider locking Loki up.."

You may be wondering, was out absents noticed? Well at first no, but when Scott was looking for his disks, then noticing that some of them were missing, he began to panic. After yelling our names for a while, calling and texting, he realized that we were the tiny ones.

"Oh no, no, no!" He said, looking to the empty case and starting to panic. "I'm gonna have to get Tony, but Tony will kill me! But the kids are small, but I could just save my ass!" He mumbled to himself.

After a moment of deliberation, he decided to call for Tony to let him know that the kids, were well, shrunk.

"Tony, I shrunk the kids.." He said, revealing the now almost empty silver case.


They decided upon making an extraction team, Scott and Tony would go in to make us regular sized again, leaving Steve and Bucky on the coms.

So they began to roam the now humongous room. They noticed the yelling, big mounds of earth and rings of fire, deciding that I probably had something to do with it.

"Y/N?!" They yelled as they approached.

"Oh. hey dad, hey Scott!" I said, in a very casual tone.

"Wanna tell me why Pietro and Loki are in some sort of prison and have a ring of fire surrounding that?" Scott asked, looking to free the prisoners.

"Well Pietro shrunk everyone down and Wanda thought Loki would try take over the ants, I mean we know they have a thing for taking over populations.."

"Okay, Scott's gonna size you all up!"  Tony said, fully sick of today's bullshit. "Our idiot is secured, she's not dead yet folks.." Tony said over coms.

When you ask me what I got out out this entire situation, well I got to lock Pietro up. Do I feel bad about locking Loki up as well? I did, until he told me his evil plans for the ants, than I was glad he was locked away.

It was also safe to say that none of us were allowed near Scott's tech ever again, like never ever again, I mean I guess it was fair.

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