094| Halloween

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I love Halloween.

Spooky season is something great I tell you, I could get away with anything. Once the actual day of Halloween arrived, we were all instructed to dress up. 

Wanda and I decided to do something together, Tony suggested doing dumb and dumber or thing one and thing two, but we went in a very different direction. 

"So your.." Steve said, trailing off attempting to figure it out.

"She's Velma and I'm Daphne?! From Scooby Doo?!" I said, attempting to explain it him.

It seemed fitting to dress as that pair, well Wanda suggested it so I just went along with it. I have to say, she did a pretty good job on the costumes.

For some reason, I was uncharge off the costumes for everyone else. I was to assign them to everyone and it was one of the best things I have ever done. Category is, Y/N's choice.

First off we had Steve, I put him in an ice berg suit. I thought it was great. I gave Vision a toaster suit, he was one after all. I gave Sam and Bucky matching plug and socket costumes, I will get them two together and these costumes made a statement. 

Pietro was Sonic the hedgehog, Clint was Katiness Everdeen, Nat was going to hurt me if I chose her costume, Peter was in a Banana suit because I got bored of being creative, Bruce was Albert Einstein and Thor was a hammer. Loki had ran off to Asgard as soon as he heard I was uncharge of his costume, smart move.

Tony decided that I was too old to go Trick or Treating, that bitch. Instead he just bought a shit ton of candy for us, I mean I guess its the same thing with just less work. He also had a love for scary movies. So because I got to chose his costume, a Captain America costume from Party City, he got to chose the main event.

"Tony, this shit isn't scary.." I said, bestie chose the movie It, I find the film kinda funny.

"Well what's your suggestion then, huh?!" He asked.

"Well there's The Shinning, Halloween, Nightmare one Elm's Street, Scream,  even Jaws would be better than this-"

"Yeah but you have to bare in mind that Peter and Thor are here.." He said, pointing to the pair who were tucked under a blanket in fear.

We did end up watching Halloween, which almost gave Thor a heart attack. We had to turn the movie off because of them pussys. Wanda and I just snuck off while Thor was hyperventilating on the floor, this man has defeated demons and he can't do jump scares. I mean I got my own treat off of my own from Wanda that night if you know what I mean.

So Halloween stays my favourite day of the year, glad after everything that happened I could see it again. Is that a spoiler? Sure you have no idea what I'm talking about, you only know what I tell you.

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