029| Maximoffs

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"We have two enhanced on the field!"

Taking down Hydra was bad enough without other super bro's trying to commit the act of murder one me. I mean, I'm just too pretty to die.

"Clints down!" Nat yelled over coms.

Making my way to Clint to try help with his injury's, I noticed someone speeding around the open field we were battling.

"Guys, one of them is fast, like Barry Allen fast!" I yelled into coms, trying to keep an eye of speedy.

"Who the hell is Barry Allen?!" 

God Steve, why do you have to be so old.

"The flash, fastest man alive!"

Just then I felt someone swiftly tackle me to the floor, I mean I can't even tell what happened, it all went by so fast.

"You didn't see that coming, princesa?"

He sped off, leaving me down. I slowly was able to get back up, feeling some sort of pain from my right arm but knowing one thing, I was about to beat this bitch up. 

"Thor, I need Mew Mew!"

I could not pronounce that hammers name and 'Mew Mew' seemed close enough.

"What for?"

"One of the bitch ass enhanced dudes!"

"Oh, alright!"

I held out my hand whilst running to find the wannabe Flash so I could take him down. Once I had the hammer, I used my powers to catch speedy in tree roots brought up from the ground. I made my way to him, playing the hammer on his chest which sent him straight to the ground.

"You didn't see that coming, princesa?" I said, clearing mocking him.

"Let me go!"

"Start talking sweetie, name?"

"Pietro Maximoff, my sister is on the field! Her name is Wanda, let me help her!"

He had a strong Slovakia accent and his words emulated a sense of distress. I heard someone behind me, I thought it was someone from the team but it was a girl, red balls of power in hand.

"Let my brother go.."

She too had that accent, it was quite beautiful, I probably would have mentioned that if this lady wasn't trying to kill me. I held out one hand, trying to keep her back so we could talk things through.

"Your Wanda, is that correct?!"


"Okay, okay I'm Y/N. I'm apart of the Avengers and we are here to take down this Hydra base. I can help you get out of here, both of you"

"And why do you think we want to leave?"

"I mean have you seen this place?! We can help you.."

"Why do you want to help us?"

"Look darling I'm usually not this nice but you guys seem to be down on your luck so just come with me, alright?!"

Wanda looked to her brother who was glued to the floor and then back to me, letting a small nod out. I took the hammer off of Pietro, who let out a gasp for air.

"Follow me, we have a jet that can take us back.."

"Your quite the beauty Ms. Y/N.."

"We met like 10 minute ago, keep it in you pants speedy!"

Wanda let out a small giggle as to me shutting down her brother. I arrived to the team with the siblings behind me, leaving them with confused looks.

"These are the enhanced, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. I told them they could stay with us, they have power!"

"So you have two Hydra people that are coming to our base?" Steve said in disappointment.

"Yeah.. there cool people.."

"You know this after like 15 minutes and after he took you down?!"

"Sorry about that princesa.."

"Butt out dick! Theres a vibe. Can we just keep them, please?!"

"Fine, come on get on the Quinjet.."

Thats how the Maximoff twins entered my life. For better or worse, who would know until things began happening and believe me, thing went down.

I hope you enjoyed this part! I'll be making the twin high schoolers, I just want more teens in this series! Hope you enjoyed!

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