058| Reveals

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It had been weeks since I had decided to be in a room with Wanda, I mean other than school. Pietro had been pushing us to make friends again but I was very good at holding a grudge. Eventually, we were tricked into being in the room.

"Pietro why did you want me to-"

Bitch locked the door.

"You both need to talk, I am sick of you all fighting!" Pietro said, looking to his sister that was sat on the bed, then back to me.

"I'm breaking the door down cause I'm not putting up with-"

I mean I was about to break the wall down instead of the door but speedy pushed me to the floor. I mean I would like to hear her out because you know, I'm still really into her.

"Talk, right now!" Pietro said, sitting in the corner of the room, putting on some headphones and tuning us out.

I just sat there, I mean I wasn't gonna make the first move. The person that talks first loses the upper hand.

"So.." Wanda said, breaking the silence.

Boom, I have the upper hand, suck it.


"I'm sorry, like I shouldn't have gotten jealous.." She said, dropping her head.

"Well, I tried to explain it to you but you wouldn't listen.." I replied, dropping me head as well.

"I wanted it to be me.." She mumbled.

"What, I can't hear you?" I said, focusing on her.

"I wanted that to be me!" She said, raising her voice more.

"Then why didn't you just say that.." I said, moving to the seat next to her.

"I don't know! I just I was just scared, because you are you and I am well, me.."

"Wanda-" I said, placing my hand on hers, "You are you and thats more than enough for anyone. My god that was so crindgy I-"

I was completely cut off by Wanda locking lips with me. I wanted to do this for so long, I just couldn't believe it was happening. 

We only pulled away when I heard the click of Pietro's camera.

"What?! I have waited for this!" He laughed.

"Let's get out of my brothers room, maybe?" Wanda laughed, taking my hand.

"I'll get Loki's keys.." I laughed.

I found the keys that were placed in the lounge, I mean come on bro I don't know how you stole this car in the.. I MEAN BOUGHT.

I was in the lounge and messing on my phone, so I didn't notice Steve and Nat watching a movie. I'm quite a stealthy person so I don't think they even noticed me.

"You ready?" I said when Wanda arrived in the room, this got the others attention.

"Let's go.." She said, kissing me again. I mean little did I know that part of my parental unit was watching.

"What the hell!" Steve said, staring at us both.

I might have forgotten to inform the parents that um, I wasn't exactly straight. Wasn't it obvious? I mean I was low key obsessed with Wanda for a while, isn't it clear? 

"I really don't feel like having this conversation now.." I laughed, grabbing her hand and running to the car.

Steve and Nat followed me out, grabbing the car to hold me back.

"So like, you're not straight?!" 

To be clear, this mans was not homophobic, he has the hots for Bucky after all. I think the poor baby was just confused

"In the words of great man named Harry Style-" I said, pulling on my sunnies "We're all a lit bit gay, aren't we?" Before speeding off in my car, like the bad bitch I am.

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