026| Lokis Great Mistake

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"Tony.. I'm sorry" Loki said with regret.

"Sorry doesn't fix it Loki, it don't fix the mistakes made.."

Your probably wondering why the boys are so upset, how Loki had to apologise and what mistakes were made. To tell you the full story, I have to bring you back to around 12pm, when Loki and I left the house. Headed for a store we shouldn't be allowed in unsupervised, the pet shop.

"Look at the bunnies!"

"Now Y/N, we aren't getting anything or anyone in-"

"Look at the doggies!"

Yeah I was definitely walking out of here with someone. Running around, I found an adorable Labrador puppy, that was left at the stores door a few days ago. I looked to Loki, he knew he had messed up. 

"We are not getting a dog!"


"Y/n I will be killed.."

"But the puppy.."

"Y/N don't make me do this!"

I walked over to the counted and announced that we would in fact be taking the little doggie away. Lokis face dropped, knowing he was going to be in trouble for this.

"Sorry, you look underage, I can't let you adopt!"

"Well he is underage!"

I looked to Loki, who had now turned red. It's a bit ironic since he was a frost giant and all. He sighed, knowing he was defeated and I wouldn't be stopped. Loki showed the worker his midguadian I.D so we could adopt the little guy.

Loki helped me buy things for our new little friend and I hoped in the car, playing with the little guy.

"So what are you gonna name him?"

"Ow I don't know. The doggie is living with the super bros, we need to give him a good name!"

"Any ideas?"


"What?! You wanted a powerful name and you're thinking Gus!"

"I love Gus, I think it suits the little guy!"

"Your the one who has to explain it to Tony!"

"I forgot about Stark.."

We pulled up to the compound and I took Gus up into my arms and attempted to make a run for it. Of course, Tony caught me.

"What you got there?"

I had my back to him, not letting him see the little guy.


"Theres something there!"


A tiny bark was made by tiny Gus.

"Is that a dog.."


"Turn around.."

I slowly turned around with a nervous smile on my face. I was still holding to god in my arms when I saw Tony getting very mad.

"Hey Tony! This is Gus.."

"You got a dog.."

"Loki got a dog.."

Tony called Loki into my room to too full confront him on what happened.

"Yes, it was my I.D that was used to get.. Gus.."

"You got her a dog!?"

"Tony.. I'm sorry" Loki said with regret.

"Sorry doesn't fix it Loki, it don't fix the mistakes made.."

"Hey, Gus isn't a mistake!"

"Yes he is, you never asked me to get a-"

"Is that a puppy!"

Yeah, once the rest of the team met the little guy, nobody thought he was a mistake. I knew that everyone was obsessed with the little guy. 

"Loki, I am going to kill you.."

"I mean the dog is cute.."

"Doesn't mean I approve of you getting one behind my back.."

"She pulled a stunt, you know what she's like.."

"I adopted her, of course I know what she's like!"

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