0167| I Love Her

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One of the few time's I wanted to kill Anthony Stark.

Just you wait kid, it's gonna be more than a few very soon.

"Do I have to be the one to inform them? I like my head being attached to my neck, thank you very much.." Tony turned to ask Steve, whispering just loud enough for me to hear him from the next room.

"Just get it over with, don't be late. Nick and Strange flew in for this meeting. We have um-" He paused and looked to see who could possibly hear him, "-important things to discuss.." He trailed off.

"Okay, go get set up, I'll meet with you in a minute.." He said, then turning to enter the room.

"Hey dad, we're starting a movie and are too lazy to get snacks, so um, can you get them. I kinda have a Wanda lying across me so, I physically can't.." I laughed as he sat down on the coffee table in front of us.

"The movie and snacks are gonna have to wait, I have some news.." He began, "Wanda has to leave, for a week-"


Since I had started dating the love of my life, we had been apart for 3 days. That was the most. Dumb Steve kept giving her missions.


"Okay, calm down. You two will be fine, dandy, aye okay.." Tony said, slowly backing away, probably because he feared for his safety, "She leaves in an hour-" He quickly yelled before running away.

The part I forgot to include was that, Tony, Steve and Bucky had to deal with me. Nat didn't care because she was used to it but a pissed off sad Y/N is foreign territory for the fathers.

Very reluctantly, I walked Wanda to the Quinjet to say goodbye.

"I love you okay, be safe, I love you.." I smiled at her.

"I love you too, so much, so so much.." She giggled back, before hugging me and whispering the words, "Make their life hell, I don't want to leave.."

"You got it, my dear, you got it.." I whispered back, placing a kiss on her cheek.

She climbed on the steps and I glanced over to the three fathers, gave them the glare of a lifetime before exciting to begin making hell on earth possible.

"I am so scared of her right now.." Bucky whispered to Steve and Tony, both of who nodded in agreement.

Now when I said he'll, I meant it. None of them could drink anything, because I would freeze it. If they were super warm in the tower, I would turn up the heat with some fire, same if they were cold, I'd enter Elsa mode.

I might add that now, I can't sleep alone. So it was a turn off me producing hell on earth and then sleeping in the same bed as Tony. Since Pepper was out of town and everyone else is married or together or some shit, I was there.

But boy did he sleep with one eye open.

Eventually, I managed to rope Loki into my plans, it wasn't hard they love cause of trouble. So there was two of me walking around sometimes, which really freaked them all out.

One night, Loki even went as far as to illusion themself into Tony's rooms with a bucket of water, me doing the same thing to Steve, just to really fuck with them both.

I did make sure to keep it off of Nat, because hello? She's a queen.

"Y/N?! Okay, I get it, you want Wanda back!" Steve yelled in shock, waking Nat up.

"Please don't tell me you poured a bucket of water over your father.." She spoke in a sleepy voice.

"I did indeed, later losers!" I yelled before teleporting out of the room.

Maybe I was making their lives miserable because I didn't want to think of Wanda being away and in a dangerous place because I would cry, maybe. But yeah, I was definitely gonna cry when I saw her again.

You did cry, a lot.

But at the end of the day, they got pranked and I'm still the best so, deal with it.

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