0125| The Dares

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You may wonder why I have pink hair.

I mean it's something I should probably explain, you know it was a thing which almost gave the asthmatic a heart attack.

"We should play truth or dare.." Pietro said, hopping over the sofa.

You know, the game where things usually go wrong.

"Grab Loki, I have a dark for him.." Peter laughed, gesturing to me.

"I don't even know where they are!" I yelled back.

Also my seat was nice and cozy so I didn't feel the need to leave it.

I did FaceTime them to come down and speak to what they would describe as 'lesser beings', a bit rude.

"Alright Loki, truth or dare?" Peter asked, beginning the game.

"Dare, of courses" They sniggered, apparently there was a wrong answer.

"I want you to take a shower and show us what your hair looks like without any of that stuff in it.." Peter said, man was I excited.

They did follow this dare, we waited for so long for them to be done in the shower. I mean it was a good look for them, weather they would agree with me on that fact or not.

"Alright Pietro, truth or dare?" Loki asked upon his return.

"Truth, we do not need another Greece situation.." He giggled to himself.

"Too soon asshole-"

"Shut it Y/N! That thing was like, over a year ago.." He said in protest.

"Back to the question, did you ever have any feelings for Y/N, like ever?" Loki asked.

That bitch is trying to start something, I'll slap them.

"I believe at some point or another, everyone has felt something exciting for her. It stopped after I realized she wasn't into me. And that she didn't know there was a North and South Dakota-"

"Don't know the states but I know how to fuck your sister.." I called, sorry not sorry.

"For that, Truth or Dare Y/N.."  He said, taking a stance.

"Dare, pussy.."

"Dye your hair pink, I'll even pay for the dye.." He confidently spoke.

So here's the thing. That scrawny, fake blonde, speedy mother fucker had backed me into a corner. On the one hand, I couldn't say no because then he would win. On the other hand, my parents would murder me.


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