0100| The Dominatrix

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I was in a small bit of shock when I was told I am something called The Dominatrix. I mean rightly so, this has been the worst birthday of my life. I also only found out that today is my real birthday, so things aren't going well.

"You were born to help her to take over the world, alongside Master Davina.." Gabriel said, almost like he was upset over it.

"Then I guess we have to kill her.." I said taking a breath before mumbling, "I just want my Wanda.."

They were sort of in shock at how I just seemed to jump upon the idea of murder. This isn't my first rodeo fellas.

"You think you can kill her?!" Thalia said, sort of disbelieve that the hottest one in the room was taking this step.

"You won't just be fighting her, others will come.." Gabriel said in response.

I sort of sat down and was pulling my boot off to get the burner phone when the incubators explained it to me. Theres like a council, four people who each have an element. Davina was earth and there were 3 more who were on their way to earth. 

I felt maybe this was the right time to inform the rest of the team that someone was maybe attempting to take over the world.

"Darling I have news.." I said as soon as Wanda picked up the phone.

"Are you okay, we got cut off?!" She said.

"Look apparently I'm supposed to help take over the world, I really don't wanna do that today. Also there is like four elementals I have to fight so I think you should come find me.."

"Okay love, where are you currently?!"

Great question. The answer is I have zero idea. So I pressed my had over the speaker to ask the people that gave me life.

"Where are we?" 

"We can't say, Davina will kill us for meddling with her plans!" Thalia said.

In that moment I had to make a sacrifice for the greater good, something I really didn't want to do.

"Okay look, if you fight along side me and tell me where the fuck we are, I'll get coffee with you or something.You can learn about me and I can learn about you.." I quickly said.

They took a moment to look at each other, I mean they were basically risking there life for their kid and I found some respect for them when they agreed.

"We're in Wyoming.." Gabriel said.

"I thought Wyoming didn't exist.." I said, before telling Wanda my location.

"I thought Wyoming was made up.." She replied before telling Tony.

"So did I.." 

We sorted out the rest of the details, it shouldn't take them that long to fly here. So I had to deal with getting the hell out of here.

"So your either with me, or against me.."  I said, turning to my birthers.

"We are with you.." They responded.

Best response when your psycho daughter who you abandoned all those years ago is on a murder path to help save the world, you would be inclined to agree to fight along side her. So I was going to pull some shit, some bad bitch shit. Starting with storming out of the room and into the one with the lady.

"So I guess you forgot the part where you explain I'm apart of some prophecy that helps you with world domination, I think I should have been told!" I yelled, on the verge of pulling out the fire swords.

"Its your destiny, you were born to-"

"I was born out of two idiots fucking around! Not to meet your demands or needs! Lady, I will serve nobody but I will hurt your feelings and most definitely break your bones!" I yelled.

"It is your purpose, to serve with me-"

That was the last straw, I pulled out the swords which surprised the bitch.

"You are not going to join us, are you dear?" She said.

"The only person that calls me 'dear' is my girlfriend you bitch!" I yelled, going at her with the swords.

Somehow she fucking flew, like Peter Pan shit up in this joint. I was fighting from the ground, throwing flames and other shit. Eventually I was so focused on hitting her, I didn't realise my feet were leaving the ground. Your girl was flying, I don't fucking know how but I was.

Eventually I blasted her through the ceiling, revealing the outside world, this place had no fucking windows so you could only guess my excitement. I almost had her, when the other elements arrived.

"Turn yourself over girl, we can work this out!" Davina screamed before hitting me with an extremely powerful blast that knocked me out of the sky.

I was hurt badly and was down for a while. After a moment, I felt someones hand on my, calling my name. When I looked up, I saw hope.

"Dad!" I yelled, looking up and an extremely worried Steve.

"Kid, oh wow are you okay?!" He said, helping me off of the ground and calling the team over.

"So their up there in the sky, I can fly as well. Theres four of them and I think we have to kill them or something. Also my life givers are like there and they wanna help but I have to have coffee with them! Wheres my Wanda!?" I said, rambling my brains out.

"Okay calm and focus, your Wanda is over there in the jet, we can take these down-" 

So when he told me where my Wanda was I sort of sprinted away to see her. It has been a really long day and I just wanted my girl.

"Wanda!" I screamed, almost tackling her to the ground when I saw her.

"Y/N, oh my god!" She yelled, holding me close. 

I think my emotions just unloaded why she held onto me. Like I was holding it all in and then it just destroyed.

"Your going to be okay, we are going to fix everything.." She said, holding my face in her hand.

"Okay.." I said wiping my tears, "This is the worst birthday ever.."

"Did you hit your head? Your birthday was two months ago?" She laughed, placing her on my forehead.

"No thats the other thing, apparently I'm two months younger!" I said, throwing my hands in the air.

The rest of the team was already out on the field, so I decided to fly back up, because the whole flying thing is normalised now, to take on some elementals. From the ground, my birthparents and my family were taking on the same fight.

"You can still join us.." Davina called.

"I mean I would be I don't want to.."

The fight was long, I was stuck on Davina who wasn't going down, while the team took the other elementals. Eventually, it was just her left.

"Its over Davina, just give up!" I yelled, throwing fire in her path.

"Your purpose is to join me! Use it!" She yelled back.

She threw a huge ball of earth in my way which I managed to stop using my air powers, throwing it her way. The mass was so big and the power behind the air used to make it travel was enough to take her to the ground.

"I wouldn't screw with me.." I said, standing over her, "Because I am apparently the Dominatrix.." 

I was definitely on the verge of collapsing when my actual parents found me. I sort of just gave in to calling them Dad and Mom because now, it just seemed right. Gabriel and Thalia made it out of the fight okay. I handed them a slip of paper with my phone number on it, I made them a deal after all.

Finally, I got to go home to my bed and my Wanda. It had been a heck of an experience and for a while, I shut down. I didn't really explain how or why the Dominatrix title was disposed upon me just yet, I took a while to myself before I had to explain things. I mean it was all a bit much, wasn't it?

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