0114| Nicholas

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I meet my boy Fury once a month.

We met in a small diner to discuss what I would be getting off of him due to the blackmail, I mean the kindness he possessed.

So we went and ate breakfast, just for the chats if you will.

"Morning kid.." He said, sitting down at our usual seat.

"Nikki, morning.."

We ordered our usual before getting down to business.

"So what do you want off of me know?" He said, stabbing his eggs.

"Oh nothing, I just love the pancakes this place serves.." I said, obviously having an alternate motive.

"Spit it out.." He remarked, looking to me.

"I don't understand why Steve is making me get up at 5 am to train-"

"Do you realise that you are speaking to one of the most powerful men on this planet-" He interrupted.

"Do you realise that you are speaking to one of the most powerful women on this planet?" I clapped back.

"I have dirt on world leaders, Avengers, people that can break the world in a single tweet. Some teenager that figured out a small secret about me know has be in her back pocket!" He said, dropping his cutlery.

"I have more than just a 'small secret' on you. You can stop with the attitude and we can speak like two grown adults-"

"Like adults?" He yelled, "Like hell you're being an adult. You have taken to BLACKMAILING me, I'm sick of this.." He said, standing up.

"Would you rather get me out of things or have Stark know you can't eat toast cut in a diagonal!" I said, going him in standing.

"You have a fair point, but I simply don't care. I won't be the subject of your- wait what are you doing?!"

He was referring to me taking out my phone and being to type on my notes app. He fully believed that I was texting and went into damage control mode.

I mean thats how I got unlimited vacation days, you know I used this to my advantage.

"Y/N lets go, we have training-"

"I'm on vacation Steve, stop talking-"

"Well Wanda, let's go!" Steve said, trying to get someone to train.

"I'm on vacation, sorry.." She said, grabbing some snacks.

I mean if I could take off time whenever I wanted, so could Wanda.

"I'm gonna talk to talk to Fury about these 'unlimited vacation days'" He said, leaving the room.

"I mean you can try, I don't think bestie will talk.." I said, which grabbed his attention and brought him back into the room.

"Y/N, please tell me that you aren't blackmailing Nick Fury!" He said, begging that I hadn't done something.

"Well thats just nonsense. Why would you think that?" I said, knowing full when mans was right.

"Well I'm simply curious, I think the phrase 'I don't think bestie will talk' gave it away.." He questioned.

"Well Steven, I guess you'll never know.." I laughed, taking Wanda by the hand and running away.

Also, one of my lovely readers made a discord server for the book! it's been a lot of fun and i'll add the link bellow incase anyone is interested!


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