0122| The Asgardian Return

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Long story short, I did somethings and now i'm not allowed on Asgard.

So when the subject of Thor taking everyone there on vacation came up, I sort of had to inform them of that fact.

"So um, I'm not gonna go to Asgard.." I announced as they were packing.

"Why not?" Steve asked with concern.

"Eh, I have some um, paperwork.." I lied.

"Wait a minute, I know that look! That's the same look you have when Wendy's told you you weren't allowed return!" Bucky called.

"Your not allowed in Wendy's?!" Steve said in shock, well I guess you know now.

"Okay so, I may have made a play for the Asgardian throne and may have fled with Loki because they didn't think it was the right move.." I explained.

"I knew about that!" Tony called from the next room, gong it I guess.

"We can bring you before Odin, you will apologize and then we can put you being banned from an entire planet behind us!" Steve said.

Too much of a goodie from me if I'm honest.

So I packed my things, held my girlfriends hand and we traveled through the bifrost. It's time for Y/N verses crusty, round 2.

"Greetings, friends of Thor!" Odin announced as we entered his Thor room.

I was huddled into the back of the group, unseen. I didn't wanna spend this trip in a cell because some king dislikes me.

"Did you bring the puny child? She was a nightmare in midgradian form-"

"Alright crusty, I was gonna keep my mouth shut but, you and me outside!" I yelled, pushing to the front of the group.

"Guards!" He called.

"Aw, do you need protection?!" I laughed.

"Tony, you realize our child is threatening a king and we're doing nothing about it?" Nat whispered.

"I'm not planing on doing anything.." Tony whispered back.


It could be described as icon verses bitch, he is the bitch. But yeah, Thor had to have words with his father to keep me out of prison.

On my last trip I was too busy trying to steal the kingdom from crusty to actually see the beauty of Asgard. I mean the views were something else.

It was late when I found myself wandering around the castle all on my lonesome, that's when Odin decided to be petty.

"Oh hey, nice castle you got here.."

I mean I was just making casual, FRIENDLY, conversation with crusty and he called guards over on me.

I mean long story short, I did a lot of fighting but still ended up in a cell. Someone best call my parents, because for once I wasn't the one in the wrong.

I hate this dumb planet.

"Can you call one of my dads, or my mom, I have a feeling they will wanna woop your ass.." I groaned to the guards.

It took three hours for the parental unit to figure out my whereabouts, apparently Odin was a bit of a snake and didn't tell them. I swear i'll be responsible for the loss of that mans other eye.

When they did find me, I had bored the guards away and was playing in a cell with a Rubix cube. Pretty fitting.

"Are you okay?!" Tony said in a panic, attempting to blast through the magical cell walls.

"Step back, I shall free Lady Y/N!" Thor called, taking hold of the controls.

Thor, like the absolute icon he is, was able to free me. Once I fill my parents in on what was happening, they were just as pissed.

"You crusty, costume wearing, weird speaking, old man, I will kill you! I've took down worse than you, so my original offer of taking this outside still stands!" I yelled as I paraded through the throne room.

"I honestly do not understand a large amount of words that comes out of this child's mouth.." He mumbled to the guard next to hims.

"Steve-" I said, turning to him, "Can I throw fire at this hoe?"

"If I say no, will you still do it?" He asked.

"Definitely-" I said, fling three rapid balls of fire at the dude that literally owns and army.

It's safe to say that from that day forward, my presents was not allowed on Asgard. That doesn't matter, it's a stupid planet anyway.

When we arrived back home, Tony and Steve went straight into a meeting room, are they hooking up? Future me knows what it was about, but present me can think what she likes.

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