075| Guardians Return

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I woke up in space. Just to clarify, I fell asleep in my bed, next to Wanda. So, I was a little bit confused.

I woke up to what sounded like a bird dying, looking out the window to just see stars. This was not the Avengers tower and my Wanda was not next to me.

The sound of that dying bird was starting to annoy me, so I left the little metal ass room I was placed in to investigate who had kidnapped me this time. Was it NASA? If they wanted to put a hot person on the moon they should have just asked.


Shit I guess the dying bird was actually just Quill. Wait, why was on on a spaceship, in the space place, with that idiot?

"You have five seconds to explain why the fuck I'm in space!" I yelled, capturing the attention of the room.

"Morning feisty, we needed you for the mission.." That dumb raccoon said, asshole.

"Why me?!" I said, looking for some food in this joint.

"Because you can use fire and ice and other shit.." Peter said, before continuing to sing.

"I can do new things too, Tony said-" I took a break to really think for a moment. I was in space, did people know I was in space?, "-Tonys gonna kill you! Did you leave a note or a message"

"Well um, we left some paper.." Drax said nervously,"It said um, 'Hello, we have Y/N, we will bring her back later. Guardians'. I think it was a very good note-"

"Are you fucking serious?!" I yelled, flicking my hand out and having fire swords appear, "I am going to kill you all-"

The swords were a bit of a shock, I guess these hoe's knew not of my amazing capabilities.

"Okay relax, we have a guy to fight and we need your help to take someone down.." Gamora said, attempting to calm me down.

"You could have fucking asked, what happened when my girlfriend wakes up and-"

"You have a girlfriend?!" The raccoon yelled in shock.

"Yeah what about it, rabbit bitch?"

"I'm just surprised anyone that would go out with you, you know you being you-"

"I'm going to fucking murder there raccoon, fucking you, you dumb bitch. I will-"

I was pulled away before we could have an ingredient for rabbit stew.

I was briefed on this mission I was kidnapped to attend. Basically, big gooby guy needs to die. I mean I didn't care, I just wanted to see my bestie.

"I AM GROOT!" The little tree yelled in excitement.

"Hey baby, you have gotten so big!"

Honestly felt like a Middle Ages suburban mom for a moment with that sentence and I was not loving it.

"Wheres the WiFi in this bitch, I wanna post a TikTok.."

"Your in space, there is no WiFi you dumb bitch!" The raccoon yelled.

We pulled up to the location and I saw the dude I was meant to kill. I just wanted to go home, space food sucked. So you know a bit of murder was okay, not like it would spoil my appetite.

"Can someone-" The rabbit yelled, before getting whacked by the monster dude.

"Karmas, a bitch rabbit!"

I mainly tagged along with Gamora, she seemed to know what she was doing. I protected her and she protected me, it seemed like a good arrangement. 

Once we were done, we had some sort of cash prize to claim.

"So, is it done?" The blue person thing said. 

"Yeah, chopped that suckers head off.." Peter said, waiting for his money.

"Who is that?" The person said, pointing to me.

"Sup, I'm Y/N. I'm usually not from around here but there bozo's took me from my bed."

"You have power.."

What the fuck are you a like psychic. I mean have them on earth but I think most of them are fake.

"Um, yeah?"

"Who is your family?" The person asked.

"Eh, I don't know. Can I please go now because I really don't give two shits about who they are!" I yelled, before turning to leave.

I mean they left me, my parents, they chose to not keep me. Why would I want to know them? I have it good where I am right now. I wasn't gonna do it because some dumb blue space people said so.

Thats what I thought the entire ride back, my parents. I just had to clear my head before seeing everyone, this did not need to be a problem.

We landed in the helipad, me fully freaking out before the sun was setting and I hadn't seen anyone.

"I HAVE RETURNED, I WAS KIDNAPPED, JUST LETTING YOU ALL KNOW THAT KNOW. WHERE IS MY WANDA?!" I screamed, knowing my voice was echoing through the tower.

"Oh my god your okay we were-"

"Fuck off Steve-" I said, pushing Steve into a table because currently, he was irrelevant. "WANDA!" I yelled once I saw her.

"Your scared me, never again do you leave without telling me!" She yelled, holding me tight as hell.

"I was taken, again!"

"Your getting Live 360 or something I will know where you are always.." She said, making no effort to let go.

"Theres my kid, run off the space again?" Tony said, appearing into the room.

"Not intentionally, they kidnapped me me!" I yelled, pointing to the guardians, "Break there kneecaps because currently I can't.." I said, gesturing with my eyes to Wanda who would let go.

"SO I HEARD YOU MOTHER FUCKERS TOOK MY KID?!" He yelled turning to them, calling one of his suits to him. I guess protective father mode activated I guess, pop off homie.

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