0119| The Maid Costumes

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We make friendly, sometimes unfriendly, bets in the tower.

It sort of started after the flying cars incident and escalated to today. Usually, they revolved around attempting to get Natasha to do something, but always ended in her winning.

On this particular day, Nat was the one who was placing the bets, one of the greatest bets of all time.

"I will wear a sparkling pink puffy dress, if the men of the team can beat me Mario Kart. If you fail, ALL OF YOU, have to wear a maid outfit.." She said, placing a cardboard box on the desk full of the outfits.

"This doesn't seem like something I wanna do.." Sam said, looking to the others.

"Thought you weren't one to shy away from competition, Wilson.." Nat said, pushing them to agree.

"Can we at least hear the terms of this deal?" I asked, I mean I wanted to know how easy it was gonna be for her to crush them.

"If I come first, you wear the maid outfit, if I come in any other position I'll put on the pretty princess dress.." She explained, "Do we have a deal?"

They took a moment to decide, I mean Natasha has never won a game, so there was that advantage.

In the end, they would sacrifice there dignity for the small opportunity for my Mom to look like a cake topper.

Everyone gathered in the main living room, the boys squished onto half of the sofa, Nat and her coach on the other half. I mean her coach being me of course, who else would it have been?

The boys involved were Tony, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Thor, Bruce and Scott. I mean the 100 year olds were shocking at the game, I mean it was almost hard to watch. However Tony and Scott had logged some serious Mario Kart hours whilst playing with Peter, so they were the front runners in this competition. Tension was high as the rest of the gathers to see what happening.

It was a single game, using the infamous Rainbow Road map as our course. Then the countdown began, starting the game off.

"COME ON MOM!" I yelled as she moved past the others on the course.

"MEN MOVE FORWARD!" Sam yelled.

"WE CAN DO THIS!" Bucky yelled too.

After lap one, Nat was in third, progressively moving up in rank. It was a griping final showdown between Nat and Tony, where she knocked him off the course, claiming her place in first.

After about twenty minutes of the boys wallowing in there loss, the each went to change. It's hard to live in a word where you have seen all three of your fathers in maid outfits.

The amount of pictures taken, then posted, then retweeted, was outrageous. News outlets were calling to get a story behind the photos, although I never did provide any context.

I mean it was one of the best things I had ever seen, Thor and Scott dancing around in the outfits. They adored there new costume. I even caught Thor just walking around the tower with it on.

At the end of the day, Nat never wore the dress. It didn't matter how many bets or dares or pleads, she never dawned it. I mean we even went as far as to photoshop her head onto Rachel Green. You know, when she was a bridesmaid. I have to say, it was perfection.

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