0145| Marriage

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A short time ago, my father got engaged to a pigeon.

What I didn't expect was for the pigeon to be a complete groomzilla. Like it was scary stuff.

Bestie Sam wanted all of the invitations to be handwritten, that job fell on me. I did not think that many people cared about the two of them. It didn't matter how awful my handwriting was, I still got the job.

Wanda was there to help me, obviously, but that's when I was asked a question by the dad. They were only there to watch the pain hand cramping provided.

"Y/N, which one of us is walking you down the aisle?" Steve asked, the other dads rapidly turning their heads to see who I'd pick.

"None of you.." I responded, leaving them a teeny bit pissed off.

"What do you mean?! Is Nat gonna do it?!" Tony almost yelled.

"Nope.." I shrugged, continuing the invitations.

"Well why no!?" Bucky yelled, guess I offended him.

"It's a sexist tradition, the father is handing the bride over, no man is gonna hand me off.." I defence.

"But we wanted to send you off on your new life, not hand you over to be someone else's problem!" Tony yelled again.

"Well, I'm also not wearing white, if symbolism virginity.." I spoke.

"Which you don't have, I made sure if it.." Wanda muttered, I don't think she was meant to say that out loud.

"Too much information.." Bucky glared at Wanda.

"Must have just slipped out. Pietro is walking me down to isle when we get married.." Wanda said, continuing the writing, "I'm not wearing white though.."

"If Pietro gets to walk her down the aisle, then we get to walk you down the aisle!" Tony protested.

"You guys can battle or something, I don't maybe fight to the death, get rid of some dead weight.." I joked, they didn't really like that.

"We're gonna do things differently, I'm not getting your blessing either.." Wanda continued, I mean I wasn't exactly gonna ask Pietro either.

"If one of us was a man, I wouldn't take his name. I'm my own person!" I added.

"They're all so progressive.." Steve whispered to the other men.

"It's low key scary.." Bucky whispered back.

"Did someone call me?" Loki yelled from the next room.

"No!" They all yelled back at once.

"So to clarify, if one of us wants to walk you down the aisle, we have to kill the other? Become the only father?" Bucky asked as if he was on board with this idea.

"No Bucky, Y/N, your just mad because the internet told you to be!" Steve yelled, I forget he's a dinosaur.

"And you are just mad you aren't getting any dick.." I shrugged.

With that, the iceberg silently retreated out of the room, allowing the others to laugh once they knew he couldn't hear them.

"I really should ground you for that, but I'm not gonna.." Tony said after breaking away from the laugh, then leaving the room.

Guess he has other priorities.

"You're walking me to Sam, when the wedding happens. I can't think of a better person.." Bucky smiled before ruffling his hand on the top of my head and walking away.

"You will-"


Groomzilla ladies and gentlemen and persons. I took that as my chance to speed up, you know, before he killed me.

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