093| Restless

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My Wanda was sent away on a mission.

Now, I couldn't sleep alone. She was always by my side and it was very rarely that she would be gone overnight. When she was away, your girl couldn't sleep.

So, I had the issue of me not being able to get my beauty sleep, it was fucking annoying.

I made the executive call to go to Bucky's room. Who knew what lady I would find in Tonys bed and I did not want to disrupt the assassin and the asthmatic who can use a dinner plate so I settled for the less scary assassin. I mean the only person I would find is Sam, sadly he was not there.

"Move over.." I whispered, pushing the Walmart wizard of ass tin man over in the bed.

"Y/N, get the fuck out of my room.." He muttered in his sleepy voice.

"No, move.."

I pushed his ass over to reveal a very comfy bed. Like seriously, why does he get such nice things.

"I'm gonna push you out of this bed.." He muttered, not lifting him head.

"Okay dad, whatever you say.." I said, before drifting to sleep.

Partially, this is the story of how my extremely sleep deprived self called Bucky dad for the first time. Bare in mind I had early slept in days and needed that peace and quiet. 

The next morning, Bucky arose early with a massive smile on his face. I had only used the phrase twice, one to Tony and now one to Bucky, so you can see why he was on cloud nine.

"Why do you look so smug?" Steve laughed as he drank his coffee.

"Y/N called me dad, sucks to be you losers.." He laughed.

"Was she dying or something?" Tony said, I only called him that before I slipped into one of many comas. I'm clumsy and don't know my lefts from my rights, it happens.

"Nope, simply sleep deprived. She took over my bed last night, she can't sleep alone anyone.." Bucky said.

"Does she know Wanda come back today?" Steve said, turning to Tony.

"I was asked to keep it a surprise, by Wanda. They are adorable.." Tony laughed.

"You know what's even more adorable, she called me dad. Not Tony, not Steve, good old me!" Bucky said, this wasn't going away anytime soon.

"Get off your high horse!" Tony yelled as he left the room.

"No thank you!" He yelled back.

I did indeed get my surprise greeting from my very lovely girlfriend what she arrived back to the tower. I also had a very lovely nap, very lovely.

I still haven't heard the end of me calling Bucky dad, it wasn't until I eventually called Steve the name in a moment of desperation that he final quit.

Now wouldn't you like to know that story, all in good time. Big things may be coming quicker than you expected.

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