0115| Tag

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We watched a movie about grown men chasing each other around playing a children's game.

Therefore we decided to replaceable the game, with everyone. Peter became very serious about this game as well.

"So!" He said, reading a list of rules he had created, "No speeding, flying, teleporting, violence-"

"What are you looking at me for?!" I said staring him down.

"Moving on, when some tags you they have thirty seconds to run away. I used a random generator which revealed that Clint will be our first tagged. You have thirty seconds to run, staring now!" He screamed, throwing his clipboard at Clint and running away.

Clint sprinted around the tower, running for Nat, who after an hour was caught. In a shocking turn of events, Nat betrayed Steve and tagged him. She don't give a fuck.

The game began getting a bit out of control on day two. I was giving my biology presentation and Peter ran into the room and tagged me, then proceeded to run out.

"Oh you little shit!" I yelled as he slammed the door.

"Em, can you finish the presentation?" My teacher said.

"Fuck okay so, anyways-"

I thought if this is how he was gonna play it, then imma be extra dramatic and do it on live TV. You see Tony had a super important interview today and I was to wait for him back stage. So I took my chances and talked to a producer, explaining what I was going to do and letting him know I would do it whether or not i was allowed.

"I believe that with a united force such as the Avengers, threats will be neutralized faster.." He said, answering a question.

The lady interviewing him knew exactly what i was gonna do and so I snuck up behind him.

"Tag bitch!" I yelled, scaring the life out of him.

"And for Steve who's watching this!" I yelled, pointing at the camera, "I'm coming for your ass!" Before knowing my thirty seconds were almost out and leaving the studio.

Tony went for Bucky, Bucky got Bruce, who got Wanda, who then got Pietro. He was the tagged for long time and even wait for a mission.

"Y/N help.." He said, collapsing on the ground, he looked as thought he had been hit.

"Pietro are you okay?!" I yelled, running over to see if he was good.

"I am now, tag!" He yelled, before getting up and lightly running away.

Well I didn't want to be on forever, so I set my sights on my ultimate goal, Steve Grant Rogers.

I wasn't allowed to fly or teleport, as of Peters rules. So I got on top of the building, which was like four storys high, and got into contact with Steve.

"Dad, I'm gonna jump off of the building!" I yelled, looking down to him.

"No your not! Teleport or fly, just don't jump!" He yelled, looking up to me.

"I can't because of the rules of the game!" I yelled, leaning to the edge.

"Your on a mission, you can do it on a mission!" He yelled.

With that, I put my life at risk by leaping off of the building and falling through the air. Steve dropped his shield and caught me. The only response I could give was,

"Tag, your it.." Before leaping up and sprinting away.

You may be wondering how the game stopped, well someone tagged Thor who was unclear of the rules and decided that he would stay on forever.

There was a lot of arguing about who should then become the tagged, but apparently nothing would be fair so we called it quits.

I think next time, we should just let the movie be a movie. It would work out way better for us all.

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