0148| Guest List

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When having a wedding, you have to consider who attends.

I mean do you want your uncle who gets drunk and causes a scene to be there? I mean there's an open bar, that's a problem just waiting to happen.

So when Sam and Bucky were debating on who was to attend, I sort of had to get involved.

"So, who do you want to come from your side?" Sam asked, preparing a list.

"Well, all my friends and family are dead, but I'm sure Jerry my banker would love to come.." Bucky shrugged.

"Okay well um, what about you invite the last of your command, the 107th?" Sam asked.

"Invite them to a gay wedding? Nice one Sam.." Bucky mocked.

"I mean how big of a wedding is this?" I asked.

"I mean, Tony did get me a very nice venue, 620 Loft & Garden is EXTREMELY hard to get.." Sam explained, "So we can have as many people as we want.."

"Well, I'll invite the Wakandans, they can sit in my section.." Bucky smiled, happy to know people to invite.

"I'll bring Sarah and the boys, most of the people in my town too.." Sam added.

"Now we need to discuss who not to invite, you know, the part I'm here for.." I added.

Because let's be honest, your girl is brutally honest and has no bias at all. They needed me to shut them both up.

"You both get three vetos, then you have to deal with that person attending.." I announced.

"That seems fair.." Sam nodded, Bucky agreeing.

"My aunt -"

"Veto.." Bucky yelled out.

"What, why?" Sam asked.

"She's, well, handsy.." Bucky stumbled.

"Yeah okay, I get that.." Sam agreed.

"Freddy who I play cards with-" Bucky started.

"He can come-" Sam agreed.

"Veto, he's a heavy smoker and a bit of a racist, that's a bad vibe.." I added, because the best one in the room was always right.

Eventually, we managed to get about 150 willing participants that the happy couple wanted to attend the wedding.

We got rid of dead weight, open bar hovers, scene causers, Karen situation causers. I mean it was starting to look pretty good.

The list was full of some fun people, well I hoped they were fun. After a long day of debating, they needed a drink, although I wasn't allowed that alcohol shit so apparently apple juice was good enough.

"After all that planning, we still have to organise bachelor parties.." Sam said with exhaustion.

"Well Y/N's planning mine, so that's chill.." Buckley smiled, leaving me confused.

"I have to plan that?! I didn't know!" I yelled.

"Can she plan mine?" Sam asked.

"Yeah sure-"

"Sir, no. Get your best man to do it! Wait, who is your best man?" I asked, I mean I hadn't even bothered to ask.

"Steve, since Bucky had you it left him available.." Sam laughed.

"So now I've got two bachelor parties to plan. Can't you just have a joint one? Cause it's gonna be all the same people in attendance so, what's the point?" I asked.

"Well, alright.."

So then I had to get a bunch of strippers and tequila. I'm a minor.

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