043| Renovations

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I feel like we have been neglecting the 'SS Thick Bitch', but I have been saving up for a day like today. Today, we were going to make some renovations to my RV and Loki was most definitely going to help me.

"I will not"

Okay so he's not that enthusiastic about it.

"Bitch get up, you haven't done anything all week and you don't actually have a choice.."

"Eh, I do have a choice.."

"Lets be real, you don't.."

Eventually Loki found his will to put up with me and the bad bitch squad rolled out. We arrived at the parking spot in what was definitely Loki's car in which he bought with his money.

"Okay I-"

"This looks so much better!"

I forgot about the stuff I had done, so lets talk about it. The cabinets were white, there was a new pull out sofa, the carpet was actually meant to be white instead of brown. I had replaced curtains and fixed some other things up but with Loki's help, we were going to do a full day of painting.

"Loki, how you doing?"

"I hate this job.."

"Geez, bestie why you gotta be so negative, all the time.."

"I'm in one of my good suits!"

They all look the same to me, I thought he only had one fit for like 4 months, if I'm honest.

"I told you we would be doing a bit of the old, manual labour.." I laughed.

"I didn't think you were serious.."

"Darling I'm always serious.."

After a long day of painting, which could have been quicker if Loki had of quit complaining, I headed home to review my plans. 

"I can put the table here, have it lower into the ground when the bed is needed.." I mumbled to myself.

"Whats going on here?"

My eyes widened, shit I was caught, or so the bad bitch thought.

"Wanda! Shut the door and shit down!"

She let out a confused laugh before doing what I asked her to do.

"So a hot minute ago, I bought an RV.."

"Like a camper..."

"Sort of a trailer on wheels"

"How did you pay for it?! Does Tony know!? Are we going to get in-"

Okay she was a bit more panicked than any of us needed to be, I'm sure that thing would be fine.

"Okay calm down, I have a job, no he doesn't know and when I plan to escape the state again, thats when we get in trouble"

"You fled the state before?!"

"Did I never tell you that story?"

"No Y/N, you didn't tell me how you escaped the state!"

"Oops, anyways-"

"We will talk about this later!"

"Okay, okay!"

"So you bought an RV.."

"I've been remodelling it and it's almost ready!"

"For fleeing the state.."


"Let's do it!"

Okay that I didn't expect, Wanda was always the level headed one who talked us out of choices such as these.

"You wanna come with me?"

"It sounds fun, that's if there is room on board for me?"

"Well Loki's coming, he always comes on these sort of things, and Pietro asked me to go on my next trip, so there's a spot free!"

"Can I see it, the RV?!"

"Tomorrow, right now I'm wiped from painting and all I want is sleep.."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then, night Y/N"

"Night Maximoff.."

She smiled before leaving my room and I hoped into bed. Wanda was going to be on our next trip, excellent.

The next day couldn't have arrived quicker, I was so excited for Wanda to see my cool and improved toy. I picked her up and took Lokis car to go see my RV.

"Here she is!"

"I low key thought you were joking, now I see you aren't!"

"Come on inside.."

I took her hand and led her into my tiny home.

"Your weren't kidding.." She said as she looked around.

"One thing about me, Maximoff, is I tend not to kid"

We sat down on the sofa and talk for a while, she wanted to help finish this off and I told her she could, if she swore against not telling Tony. 

I think I've said it before but, I really liked it when Wanda did things with me, she was amazing.

Hey guys! Thanks for sticking this out but the next chapter will be a long one! So please be patient but I am working on another big piece.

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