037| Drivers Licence

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Ever since I bought my RV, which was named the 'SS Thick Bitch' for obvious reasons, I needed to legally be able to drive it. I would definitely still drive it, even though it wasn't allowed. So, against all odds, I actually passed the theory test.

"You know what this means, Tony?"

"I know Steve, people could die.."

"Could, people will going to die if we allow Y/N on the road!"

I don't care what the hold men say, haters gonna hate, Taylor Swift. I was taking that test, nothing they could do to stop me.

They day of my test arrived and I had woken up extra early to look hot as fuck for my photo, yes I was that confident I was going to get my licence as I had manifested it for the past few weeks.

"Alright gents, I'm off"

"Please don't kill anyone!"

"I'll be fine Rogers, I am too pretty for prison anyways.."

Tony drove me to take my test and I was scared the entire time. I know what your thinking, Y/N aren't you too hot to be scared? The answer is yes. I am way too hot for all of you but for some reason, the idea of fear was still cooking inside of me.

"Your gonna do great kid"

"Sure hope so.."

I got my instructor and he was just what I expected, a mid 40's white male named Bill.

"Okay, you going great! Just make a left turn here!"

Fuck, you would think after my last near death experience I would know my lefts from my rights but of course, I was clueless. Not to worry, there's a 50% chance I'll get it right, I'll just go this way.


You see, I was literally the next Einstein.

"Okay put going to-"

Thud, bang, what ever you wanna call it. All I know is that someone or something just hit my car and it was loud. This probably wasn't good, actually no it wasn't good, it was a god.

"Why the hell did you hit me with you-"

"Greasy?! Is that you bestie?!"

For reference, Loki had been in Asgard for a while, leaving me without a super cool god friend. No offence to Thor or anything but, Loki was a cool dude.

"Wait, you know this man?"

Shit Bill, why you gonna ruin the moment, why you gotta be like that?

"Yeah it's my bestie, Loki, the god of mischief!"

"Hello, midguardian"

"Greasy, why are you here its been a long time"

"Tony told me about the licence and I knew it would be fun to see you once you got it, you are giving it to her, aren't you?"

"She just hit her with the car, I don't think its-"

"Let's just continue the test, Loki get in the back of the car!"

I managed to not hit any other gods with my car and arrived back to receive the final verdict on whether or not I had my licence.

"So you almost killed a man-"

"I'm over 1000 years old, she will not be the cause of my death, I stand by that"

"Preach sis"

"You know what, fine. You passed"

Why was I scared again? I don't know. All I know is, I'm hot and I have my drivers licence. Beat that bitches.

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