086| Tattoos

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I got a tattoo.

Your probably wondering how the fuck I managed this but I felt as though this would be good for me in the long run. Seeing as due to an issue such as this, I almost died and failed my drivers test.

"People, I have gotten a tattoo-"


Well shit, I guess it wasn't a great idea. I thought it was gonna have this reaction, so I sat everyone down for my presentation.

"Why you should be okay with me getting a tattoo.." 

I mean I booked this meeting room for a reason.

"Number one, this could potentially save my life, I almost died once from it.."

"Thats probably not true-"

"Clint, just out of the window, respectfully." I said, with a smile of course, "Number two, it would save confusion because I'm dumb."

"We been knew.." Loki said, waving some bomb ass finger guns in the air.

"Thanks dude. Number three, this almost cost me my drivers licence.."

"Can we just see it!" Tony said, very frustrated by how my underaged ass managed this one.

I showed them my tattoo, well tattoos. I had a small 'L' on my left hand and a small 'R' on my right hand. I thought it was a smart choice.

"You are so dumb.." Peter laughed.

"I like them.." I said, looking to Wanda for a bit of support.

"If it means she doesn't almost die, it's one less thing I need to protect her from.." Wanda said, I love her can you tell?

There was a lot of talk over tattoos than after that, who had them and what not. Once the team was distracted, I slipped out of the room with my darling Wanda.

"Do we tell them now or later?" She asked, rolling up her sleeve revealing the tattoo on her upper arm.

We had kinda gotten matching tattoos. It was a cute heart, she had my name written in the heart and I had hers. 

"They flipped out over the ones on my hand-"

"It's very clever by the way.."

"Thank you love.."

I mean eventually they did find out, although that was an accident.

"IS THAT WANDAS NAME?! ON YOU ARM?!"  Tony yelled once he caught a glimpse of it.

I mean I just wanted to use the pool. I thought it was pretty, but apparently I'm not allowed tattoos anymore. A bunch of dicks live here.

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