022| Roadie's Consequences

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This is a part two to the story before called 'Roadies'. Also this whole story comes from a shifting experience I had that I thought would be funny to write about.

After 4 long days of not being allowed out of my room, being brought meals so I couldn't leave my room and catching up on paper work Steve asked me to do weeks ago, I was allowed plead my case. I was made stand inform of the entire team, along side Loki, Bucky and Sam, to give an explanation on where we had disappeared too.

"Hello, I will be explaining why I ran off and a tour of the United States with three grown men."

"Okay when she puts it like that I can see how it looks bad" Sam said.

"Loki came to me and was all like, have you ever travelled and I was like nah, I've never left New York-"

"Wait, you have never left New York?!" Tony said in confusion.

"Yeah. So I was like, we need more people and Sam and Bucky were in. So I packed a bag and Vision kept asking me where we I was off to and he's a snitch so I told Bucky to step on it.

"Okay so how did you end up at your first location?"

"We just decided that Chicago-"


Yeah I guess some members of the team were clueless as to where we went on out getaway.

"Yeah, we visited a lot of states.."

"Can you, list them?"

"Okay so, we went from New York, through Pennsylvania, through Ohio and Indiana to reach Illinois. We stayed over night and drove through Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado and Utah to end up in Las Vegas. Then we ventured to California, stayed for a while before driving through Arizona and New Mexico to end up in Texas. Then through Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama to reach Florida. Stayed for a while before driving all the way through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey and back here.."

"That.. 27 states.."


"How did you idiots afford this, I cut Y/N off?!"

"Well we were really cheap until Vegas, it turns out Loki is extremely good at gambling. He racked up like $17,000 which is how we afforded Disney World.."

"WHAT?!" Steve wasn't really processing this well.

"Okay, another question. When I was in Texas, how come I couldn't see you?"

"JARVIS pull up the photo of us as Texans please"

"No way.."

The photo of use was on full display to the group and it was the first time they had laughed through this entire experience.

"So when you told me you were in Texas, where were you guys?"

"Grabbing ice cream on the way to LA.."

"Anything else I should know abut?"

I looked to the guys, knowing there were many things from that trip we would probably never disclose to the group.

"I don't think so.."

"Okay, show us the photos.."


"Go on, I know you have been waiting to do this"

I was flicking through, showing off the best ones. We eventually got to the bar from the first night in the bar. The picture was off the four of us, raising our drinks.

"Is there alcohol in there?!"

"No, we were barley able to get Y/N into that bar, let alone give her alcohol. This is where we made our plan as to where to go. When we reached Chicago, we had no idea on what was next"

As I kept going, we came across a video Loki took of Sam and Bucky, showing me how to drive. 

"You let my kid drive?!"

"We were only teaching her!"

That lie was proved to be just that, a lie. Loki and Sams conversation was caught on video.

"See! Y/N's a natural at this!"

"Yeah is she good enough to get us where we need to go?" Loki asked.

"She can drive for like an hour or so, then we will switch again.."

Tony looked to the boys who were in a state of pure fear over the video.

"So when I called the first time, were you drive?!"


"I'm going to kill you three!"

Yeah Tony wasn't impressed and proceeded to case the boys, looking for blood. You know full well that I was severely grounded but at the end of the day, we all know I would do it again in a heartbeat.

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