0160| Bye Bye Kitty

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Do you know when people have pets that are basically their children?

That's like Bucky and his cat, Alpine. He babies that thing, it's insane. So when he left the house, he put the thing on full lockdown, as for nothing to happen to the cat. in his absence. There was always someone in charge of watching the cat, a cat-sitter if you will.

On the night that it so fell for me to watch the cat, it was date night. Meaning, I didn't want to do that whatsoever. He was interrupting Wanda time, I don't like it when people interrupt Wanda time.

So was I rather careless when talking with watching the cat? Little bit. Was it entirely my fault? No, nothing ever is.

It was at fault of the sometimes small but sometimes rather tall man and a fake platinum blonde who has a really hot sister.

"It is very hot in here, it is not just me because I know I'm very hot.." He spoke bargaining into the room and opening a window.

"Not a bit full of yourself there Pietro.." I said in sarcasm.

After he joined us, totally uninvited by the way, Scott arrived in with Gus. The idiot didn't realise that cat plus dog in the same room, doesn't equal friendliness. So when the cat hopped out the fucking window, it definitely should have been less of a shock.

"The fuck are we gonna do?! What do we do!?" Scott yelled in pure fear.

He's literally the only one afraid of Bucky.

"We need to get that cat back before Bucky kills us! I've seen how big his guns are, their big big guns!" Scott yelled in a way less controlled fear.

"Well, Pietro you speed around and look for it, Wanda and I will drive around too. Scott, you can stay here and stall Bucky and Sam, if we're not back in time.." I spoke, taking charge of the situation.

Now looking back, it was probably a bad idea to leave Scott alone with a concerned father. I swear he loves that cat more than me.

Pietro went on the run, literally. I hopped in one of Tony's fast cars with Wanda by my side, beginning to drive around and scream for the cat.

"Alpine! Get your ass back here lil bitch!" I screamed out the window.

"I feel like the cat won't respond to being called a lil bitch.." Wanda gently spoke, "Alpine, so being a little whore and get in this car!"

Because that was gonna work better.

"We can't take care of a cat, how are we gonna take care of each other?!" I called towards Wanda while still looking for the cat.

"Or a little one of us.." Wanda responded, not even realizing what she said.

"Like, a child?" I turned to her to say.

"Well, yeah. A mini you or a mini-me.." She spoke again.

"I seriously think this world is fucker with one of me.." I chuckled, hiding some other feelings.

Well, not just this world. But you are still young.

"I think having kids would be fun, maybe just the one though.." Wanda smiled to herself.

"Well we would have to be much older, the two of us would potentially mess up, a lot.." I smiled.

Because it's not like I don't want a child, maybe in the future. But accidental pregnancy's are physically impossible in our situation, so we can have a kid in our own time.

Well, debatable. Again, you know nothing about your future.

"Alpine!" We both yelled, continuing the screaming.

Eventually, we wound up at that restaurant Bucky said he and Sam were having dinner at. Outside of it, there was a little white ball of fluff, siding patiently.

"She was looking for Bucky, that's adorable.." Wanda was awed when getting out of the car.

"Just put it in the car and let's get going.." I replied, although I have to agree, it was cute.

Just as we got into the car, Sam and Bucky walked out of the restaurant and hopped into their car. Meaning that we had to race them home, even though they had no idea that's what was going on.

Racing through the streets and trying to speed past them. Although we got caught in traffic, slowing us down and leaving the pair of them to get home. To Scott.

"Hey Scott, what are you doing?" Sam joyfully asked as he came through the door.

"Uhh, drugs.." He blurted out.

"Scott, what's going on, what are you lying about?" Bucky said, already thinking the worst.

In the knick of time, Wanda and I arrived through the door, cat in hand.

We never once told Bucky about the events of that night, afraid of what he might do. He was protective of the thing. Although I think on some level he knew, cause I was never asked to mind the thing again.

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