077| Band Practice

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"I'm just saying, if we clap were gonna look like a bunch of dorks!"

I mean we were not gonna have a clap break like the friends intro, I was better than that thank you Scott.

"Okay babes, on the top-" Bucky called, fixing his guitar, "A 1, 2, 3-"

"Well, I guess this is something.."

I looked up to see my favourite lesbian mother, Carol. She was leaning against the doorway, leather jacket and old band t-shirt, looking amazing as always.

"Carol!" I yelled, dropping my electric guitar to hug her hello.

"It's been a while kid.."

"Sure has.."

Let's get this straight, not like I am but anyways. Nat was my mom, like the one with the advice on life. Carol was my lesbian mom, she was cool one. I mean Nat got me and helped me, Carol helped me be comfortable with who I was.

I hadn't seen her in a long time, like she didn't even know about the band. I mean she knew I was head over heals for Wanda, although she didn't know we were together just yet.

"So.." She said, taking me out of the room for a quick catch up.

"Okay, you missed a lot.."

"Clearly, you're in a band?!"

"We did want you in it, but you were off having space sex with Val.."

"That was some crazy shit.." She softly laughed to herself.

"Well, I finally got Wanda!"

The amount of excitement she admitted from that one sentence was beyond hilarious. I had never seen her so excited, scratched that I had never seen Carol excited at all.

"You should come, do a song with us.."

"Anything in mind?"

"Okay well don't immediately say no, but Kiwi-"


Okay apparently I knew very little about Carol in the sense that this bitch knew and loved the amazing man Harry Styles. Also to my surprise, she wanted to sing along.

"Oh, I think she said "I'm having your baby, it's none of your business" I sang, putting all the performance skills I had to the test.

Little did I know, my Wanda had walked in on the rehearsal. I guess it was time for them to properly meet.

Once the song had finished, Wanda arrived over to talk to me and meet Carol. I mean nothing can possibly go wrong here.

"You were amazing my darling.." Wanda said, kissing my cheek before turning her attention to Wanda.

"I'm Carol.." She said, flicking her hair out of her face and extending her hand.

"Wanda.." She replied, taking the shake.

"I hope you're treating her good, she basically my child" Carol laughed.

"She's basically everyones kid around her.." Wanda laughed back.

Everything went well, my mother and lover seemed to get along great. 

"Well kid, it was only a quick visit.." Carol said, leading me outside.

"Are you gonna do that thing where you just fly and look cool and stuff.."


"Come again soon?"

"I will.." She said, ascending up to the sky.

Bye mom, god this is the fucking definition of daddy issues. Maybe Peter wasn't the one to latch on to every parental figure is sight, because there was me too. Not my fault everyone wants me to be their child, I'm just in such high demand.

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