06| Captain America

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I burst through his lab door, falling over a chair in the process.

"Hey, calm down, I'm sure what you have to say isn't that important-"

"I got detention and then-"

"You got detention!"

"Not important to the story but-"

"It seems like it is!"

Steve and Nat walked in to see what all the commotion was.

"So I was in class and we all have to write an account on the life of one of the Avengers. I was hoping to get someone cool like Thor or Nat, but I got Steve."


"Shush, so anyway, I start my research and I come across  video. A very, very, very amazing video."

"Wait, what video!"

I pulled out a little memory stick and began to sing the lyrics to Steve's little show song.

"Not all of us can storm a beach or drive a tank-"

"No Y/N, don't do this to me!"

"Well then. After discovering said video, I may have gotten detention, thats when I got video number two. The teacher was asleep so I stole the video."

"Y/N, don't do this!"

"Steve, I'm holding onto this, just incase I need it in the future"

Nat and Steve left, somewhat satisfied with the fact that I wouldn't share the videos with anyone, well anyone except Tony. I played him the videos I had in my possession. I re-watched them with him several times. Steve was not gonna be impressed with me when he knows I have played them for someone.

Dinner time came and everyone sat around to eat. Tony and I couldn't contain ourselves, everything we looked at each other, we would loose it. 

"Why are you laughing?" Clint asked.


"She did it.." Nat said.

"Y/N no!"

"Steve I'm not sorry she did it! It was the best thing I've ever seen!"

I explained to the team what was going on. They were dying to see the videos but I didn't want to embarrass Steve any further. I threw him the memory stick, feeling like doing the decent thing for once. I left the room and was followed by Tony.

"That was the right thing to do"

"Don't worry Tony, I made copies"

"There it is!"

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