0105| Fan Fiction

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It could have been described as the best day of my life.

"WANDA IT HAPPENED, IT FINALLY HAPPENED!" I yelled, jumping up and down in excitement in the middle of the very crowded common room.

"Does someone wanna explain that?" Tony said, putting at me and now Wanda who were jumping up and down in excitement whilst looking at my phone.

"Let me see," Peter said, looking as if he was attempting to read us or something, "Oh someone finally wrote a fan fiction about Y/N"

I guess he could read us, thats scary.

"Whats fan fiction?" My three fathers said at once.

I over heard this, knowing what horrors were on the internet and decided what level of trauma I wanted to drop on these mother fuckers.

In the end, I chose mass destruction. What else did you think I was gonna do? So I called a meeting.

"Does she still have the authority to call a meeting? I'm scared of the amount of power she holds-" Steve said, taking his seat while talking to Nat.

"I know Steven, I am the true main character, but we didn't come here to discuss how hot I am. I have called this meeting as it has come to my attention that some of you don't know what fan fiction is. Today I am going to share it with you."

I looked at the stack of paper and decided I wanted to go easy on them for the first fic, although that would mean making Bruce cry.

"This first ship is called 'Science Boyfriends' and it consists of Tony and Bruce.." I said, looking to the pair who had turned bright red.

I almost feel bad because Bruce hated every second of that encounter and I felt bad for making him read this. Lil bean didn't deserve this.

"I hate to say this, but Dads, you are the main focus of these ships.."

Tony was oddly proud of this fact, Bucky just kept nodding in silence and Steve was attempting to stop Nat's laughter. Thats when I brought them onto ship number two.

"This is called 'Stony' and-"

Instantly the pair knew it was about them, sharply looking to each other in pure fear. The fic wasn't that bad, but they were mortified.

"'What did I ever do to hurt you T?! I love you!'" Bucky said through a fit of laughter.

"'I love you Steve, but I can't deal with the pain you bring me day in day out!'" Nat replied, making a complete show of her boyfriend.

After that we showed of ships such as Tony and Strange, Tony was not impressed and went as far as to burn his manuscript. Clint was scared when reading something that paired him with Nat, he just kept muttering 'Ew fuck, I have a wife', the entire time. Loki read one about himself and Thor which literally made him leave the planet, I mean rightly so.

Nowadays, we're always on the look out of funny fic's about each other, it's a right of passage in this tower. We almost had to stop this tradition when one was found suggesting a relationship with Tony and Peter, they couldn't look at each other for weeks.

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