087| Another Way to Put It

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I was being thought to speak Russian.

I couldn't tell you why or how this begun, but Bucky and Nat thought it would be a good idea.

"Okay, try it again.."


"So the main phrase she can say is fuck off, great.." Bucky said, looking too Nat.

"я хочу трахнуть тебя, дорогая" I said, I mean I know certain things.

"Y/N STOP NOW!" They yelled, turning to me again. 


"We are not idiots Y/N.." Nat said, I mean I won so.

"я действительно хочу уйти от тебя сейчас"

"Then leave, same time next week?" Bucky asked, already looking into our next lesson.


"Well goodbye then.."

You may be wondering why I continued these lessons, well its because when I spoke Russian, Wanda spoke it too.

"Darling, what are we doing today?" I asked, finding her having lunch.

"I don't know love, we could just stay in bed?" She said, opening the covers up for me.

"что бы ты ни желал любви" I said, snuggling in beside her.

"So you had another lesson today I see" She giggled.

"они идиоты, ты горячая ебать" I laughed.

"I know I'm hot darling, you are too" She laughed.

"You know when I speak Russian, you have to too. It's the deal.."

"I don't believe it it is, милый" She said, looking into my eyes.

"ты должен поцеловать меня, я знаю, что у меня красивые глаза" I said, holding her face.

"ты должен поцеловать меня, я знаю, что у меня красивые глаза" She smiled, kissing me.

Let me just say, learning this language was one of the best things I ever did. I mean my girlfriend was hot as fuck, but when this women spoke Russian, you would lose it. I mean honey, keep going and never stop.

I think I'm so in love its unbearable. God why does she have to be so pretty, big problem here guys, my girlfriends too hot and speaks Russian. It's like she's indescribable.

Okay first of wow thank you for 220k reads that is amazing! Also I don't speak Russian, I used google translate for this. It's gonna best pretty funny to see y'all work this one out in the comments ngl.

-Jamie :)

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