0149| Bachelors

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All they wanted at the bachelor's event was strippers and spirits.

They wanted a good time, the final night of 'freedom' and the role of planning such a thing fell on me.

I wasn't going down for this alone.

So I roped in the best man on Sam's side, as well as the bank to help me pull something together.

"Father A, father B. Hello there. So as-"

"We had the meeting room booked, for right now. You need to leave.." Tony pointed out.

"I'm more important than whatever you two wanna bitch about. Plus, it's for the wedding. I think we should fly them out to Vegas, hit some strip clubs and eat steak.." I suggested.

"If the ATM agrees.." Steve said, turning to Tony.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" He shrugged.

"So we go to Vegas, watch lovely ladies dance, eat steak, drink the alcohol I sent Thor to get and then we pass out in a hotel room.." I explained.

"Where did this idea come from?" Steve asked.

"Google and drunk Tony. Dad has a way with words when he's had a lot to drink.." I explained.

"I do, I'm quite poetic.." Tony smiled back.
When the weekend of our plan arrived, we chose to keep the grooms in the dark until we arrived. They didn't even know they were getting on a plane.

In attendance, we had almost Elsa, my beloved, Big T, tiny Thor, the brainy one, queen Nat and the guy who was always the banker in monopoly because I mean, he had a lot of money.

A small gathering if you think about it, even the king wanted to go.

He met us in a very dapper suit at Tony runway and prepared for take-off. When we climbed aboard, I was instructed to give a bit of information on what we were doing.

"Good morning dudes. So we didn't tell you much because I wanted this to be a surprise. Also, it's why we are leaving super early, were flying across the country.."

After about 4 hours on a super jet, we landed on another private runway, ready for our day to begin.

Now obviously, I'm only 17 and so is Wanda. We were also gonna have to be snuck into some places. Now you may be wondering, hey haven't you been wasted before, like in Canada? The answer is yes, but my entire parenting unit was in attendance this time.

So Wanda and I would be sober. Fun.

We drove to a very nice hotel and dropped off our things. We went for a very nice lunch and then to see men dance.

"Did you get the dollar bills?" Bucky asked me, just before entering the club.

"Dad?!" I yelled over to Tony, "Do you have the dollar bills?" I asked.

"Always.." He shouted back, revealing the stack from the inside pocket of his jacket.

"Man whore.." I whispered to him as I took the money.

We attended a mixed strip couple, meaning there was something for everyone. You know, men and women. But Wanda and I just ordered snacks and sat in a corner, becoming bestie with a stripper named Fantasia Sizzle, who apparently is coming to our wedding.

After they were good and wasted, we went to get steaks. That was very nice.

We all know that a drunk Tony Stark is very good at almost getting himself killed. This time, he went swimming with the lobster.

We were asked not to return, ever.

Then we hit some random nightclub, allowing Sam and Bucky to get a free drink and go wild. They all very much enjoyed that part.

"THIS IS LIKE MTV BEACH HOUSE ALL OVER AGAIN!" Tony yelled as he danced.

Even Captain anti-fun allowed himself to live a little.

"I want you, right here on this floor, right now.." He yelled while kissing his girlfriend in the middle of the dance floor.

We're moving on now.

The club got very heated, leaving Wanda and me to be able to dance too. Because we can live too, we're cool like that.

"We should break into clubs more often, you look hot under this lighting.." Wanda yelled as she wrapped her arms around me and looking deep into my eyes.

"Sweetie, you should see how hot I look under you.." I replied, getting a cheeky smile back from her.

After the club, it was around 3 am and Nat was craving a milkshake. So, we all ran around looking for the last open place that served them . I swear we walked for ages just to sit on the side of the road and drink them in the dark.

"So out of 10, how good was your party?" I asked as we all sat together.

"I give it a solid 4/10.." Bucky joked.

"I will hurt you, Barnes.." I replied, getting laughter from around the room.

"I'll hurt your right back, Barnes.." Bucky replied, I forgot I was a Barnes too.

Eventually, we all got back to the hotel, in the majority of one piece. Tony almost died about 4 times, less than normal. We were all introduced to what a drunk and most definitely horny Steve Rogers looks like.

I mean my room was next to his, I'm so glad I packed earplugs for Wands and myself.

But the next day was the fun part, the part where they ALL were in blackout sunglasses at breakfast because let's be real, their hangover was real.

"Did you-"

"Why are you yelling?" Steve hissed back.

"Y/N quiet down, you're too loud.." Sam annoyingly replied.

"Your dumb actions have consequences.." I muttered before leaving to get a room again.

At the end of the day, we escaped the city of secrets alive and happy. But that was painful to plan and live through.

I just hope I could get through the wedding.


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