044| Mrs. Rogers

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Thank you guys for the support! I have been busy with my new story 'Dear Sofia' and haven't been posting this but I'll have some uploads today!

Bad news, comes in all shapes and sizes really. Sometimes it can bring your world crashing down, like when we were all called to the living room per Steves emergency request.

"We have some big news!"

He was very excited, standing in front of the team holding the devils hand.

"I asked Sharon to marry me, and she said yes!"

Ah hell no, I just dipped, see ya. I mean I was already standing at the door, not wanting to commit to sitting down incase the emergency was boring, this was horrifying.

"Y/N what do you-" 

Tony turned around to look to me, noticing I wasn't there. 

"Oh god, he hurt the kid.." Tony mumbled to Loki, who was sat next to him.

"Let me talk to her, I can probably get her to talk.."

Loki left the room, standing in the hall way to try figure out where I might have gone.

"JARIVS where-"

"Hello Loki!"

"Fuck! You don't have to yell at me!"

Come on Loki, be nice to JARVIS, they have done nothing wrong,.


Much better.

"Where in this tower can I find Y/N?"

"Currently, Y/N is not present in the tower"

Not here? Then where is this bitch?


Loki had slipped back into the room, approach Tony and dragged him outside to speak with him.

"She's not here.."

"What do you mean she's not here?!"

"I asked JARVIS, she isn't at home. She left after Steve said the thing"

"What does she not want this going ahead of something?"

I've said it once and I'll say it again, Tonys a dumb bitch.

"Of course not! The women tried to kill her twice, she hasn't spoken to Steve in weeks and now she might never talk with him again!"

Loki, you a real one.

"Well then we find her, get anyone you need to get her!"

You're probably wondering where I was, did I pull a runner on these bitches? No, I was late for my shift and Fred hates it when I'm late.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's not okay, just wait some tables please!"

I threw my phone on the counter, said hello to my friends and headed to begin serving.

"Y/N, your phone is blowing up!"

"Not my fault I'm so popular, Fred!"

He picked it up, seeing spammed messages from peoples contact names that made no sense to him.

"Someone called 'Iron Bitch', 'God of Bullshit' and 'Maximoff' are texting you?!"

I headed over to him, taking my phone to see that people were genuinely worried as to where I was. I dialled one of them back, placing the phone on speaker in the back so I could do the dishes.


It was Wanda, hm.

"Hey, what's-"

"Where are you Y/N! We're really worried about you?!"

"I'm working?"

"Oh wow, we thought you had run off since the Steve thing.."

"I'm fine, I cut him out cause go his dumbass, it is what it is.."

I hung up the phone, continuing what I had to do.

After my shift, I got myself my regular meal and drove back to the tower. Once I walked through the door, Tony, Loki, Bucky and Wanda were sat waiting for me.

"I um, I didn't get you anything, this is mine"

"You have a job?!" 

Shit, father was pissed.



"I had a job, then you low key kidnapped me and I chose not to leave after becoming accustom to this rich as lifestyle. Like a month after I arrived here I took my job back."

"What do you do with the money?"

"I save it.."

Correction, I buy a big ass RV and name it the 'SS Thick Bitch', but in this moment saving seemed like a better answer.

"Did you run off, away from the news?" Bucky said, it was his time to ask questions.

"I'm not happy with it. The women tried to kill me twice and Steve can't seem to take his rose coloured glasses off. It's his life however and if that means staying with a women who has murderous tendency's, then thats that."

I made my break for the kitchen, I just wanted to heat up my food and Americas Asshole walked in.


I didn't respond to him, I thought the no talking thing still applied.

"Will you just talk?"

"What do you want me to say? Hey congratulations on proposing to a pshycopath? It's your life Steve, I was just trying to make sure you were doing okay and marrying Sharon, probably not okay!"

"You don't know here!"

"Neither do you.."

I did attempt to leave with my food but I was stopped again.

"Why does she try to kill you?"

Tricky question, I didn't really know what was going on in her head.

"Because I aggravate her, get the better of her. I am who I am and she is who she is.."

I took my dinner to my room, trying to get peace, but I was yet again interrupted.

"Give me a fry"

Ah Loki, that bitch.


"Whats on your mind?"

"A bet.."

"Let's make it"

"100 bucks says Sharon tries to kill me before they get married."

"You know what, I'll take that action"

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