0141| Mile High Club

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To be clear, I did not want to have this conversation with my parents.

But I still happened, I don't even know where to begin with this one.

"Steve just told me something, very interesting!" Tony yelled, running into the living room with Steve following him.

"Tony please, let's not do this!" Steve bargained back, attempting to stop a very giggly Stark.

"Steve said-"

"Tony!" He yelled attempting to stop Tony from speaking, even though he knew he had no chance.

"Steve here said, he's apart of the mile high club!" Tony yelled, hearing a laughed shock across the room.

Now if your unaware of what this club is, let me explain. If you do it in the airplane while in the sky, you join this club. So if you haven't gotten laid on a plane, go and do that to join the club.

I was just shocked that Americans main man had done such a thing.

"You? The mile high club?! You?!" I yelled over.

"Out of total curiosity, who else is apart of the club?" Tony asked, turning to his audience.

Across the room, hands were raise, even my own. These included Wanda, Nat, Bucky, Sam, Scott and Pietro.

She's a freaky gal I guess.

"I did not need to know that my kid was apart of this.." Bucky said to Sam, both looking at me in a bit of shock.

"When would you even have that opportunity?!" Steve yelled, come on man, are your brain cells still frozen or something?

"I took a plane to Spain, when I ran away from all of you dudes, it was a very long flight.." I laughed.

"So that's where you were, you were gone for like, half an hour.." Loki smiled, looking oddly proud on me.

"Yeah we-"

"Too many details, too many.." Tony interrupted, swifty moving on"I'm suprised at Ms. Rushman over here.." Tony turned, looking to Nat.

"Well how do you think Steve qualified? It takes two to tango.." She smiled, gesturing Steve to come sit beside her.

"Gross.." Tony mumbled.

"You cant say much, you once told me that you bought a private plane for that reason!" I said, calling that hoe out.

"When did I say that?!" He asked, a bit aggressively I might add.

"You were drunk-"

"That explains it.." He said in defeat, "When did you and Sam do it?" Tony asked, pointing to Bucky.

"You let us borrow ur 'sex plane' for the weekend, to go on vacation.." Bucky explained, man has no filter.

"I need to get that thing deep cleaned.." Tony mumbled again.

"Why are we not talking about Pietro, more like when?!" I asked, turning to a pretty smug looking fake blonde.

"Well my friends, I was on a plane to Spain, where I met a lovely girl-"

"We did it one the same plane as you?!" Wanda yelled, I think she wanted to throw up.

"Well I went to a separate bathroom, I knew that's why you two were in there.." He explained.

"I wanna bleach my brain of knowing that.." She whispered to me.

"Same.." I whispered back, getting a chill down my spin just thinking about it.

"Why aren't we talking about Lang, he raised his hand.." Sam said, moving on from the Pietro discovery.

"Well with my first wife, on the way to our honeymoon. Then with Hope when we took the weekend off for vacation, that's why I'm so tan right now.." He explained.

"You took the weekend off?!" Steve asked.

"Yeah- Did you guys not notice I wasn't here?!" He said, getting upset.

"You you guys not read Scott's newsletter? He literally emailed everyone about it!" I defended.

"You guys suck!" He cried out, before leaving the room.

"If I'm honest, I moved his emails to spam.." Tony admitted before leaving the room.

Well that was an entire conversation I never wanted to have. I mean I did not need to know them things. How do you erase memories? Does anyone have Phil Coulson's number so I can ask him?

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