014|- Knifes

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"Hello Y/N"

I knew that voice. I wanted to get a snack but instead, I met the other Shakespeare that sometimes took residence here.

"Greasy! It's been a hot minute, nice to have you back."

"Thor tells me that Tony doesn't allow you to carry weapons?"

"Oh yeah, no I'm not allowed do that. Apparently Tonys scared enough that I can throw fire and I don't need a fire arm to add to his fear."

"I have something for you.."

He handed me a small box. I opened it to see a silver blade, with gold decoration on it. It came with a case, which I removed to see an incredibly sharp blade attached to the end of it that gorgeously designed handle.

"This is the shit, but why did you get me this?"

"I'm in the mood to cause some trouble with you mortals, you seem like the perfect person to help."

"Thank you, I'm gonna have some fun."

A few hours later, I was sat on the sofa, with Tony standing over me, lecturing me out about something.

"This is my house, my rules!"

I pulled out my new blade, pointing it in his direction.

"Oh yeah? This is my knife, its gonna take your life"

His eyes widened and he looked extremely scared.

"Eh team.. who gave Y/N a knife?"

They ran over, seeing my playing with my new toy.

"Wait what happened?!"

"She threatened to kill me, who gave he such power?!"

"That blade is similar to what they make on Asgard.. LOKI!?"

The grease ball appeared from the kitchen, totally unaware of the scene I had created.

"Did you give the tiny mortal a blade?!"

"Yes, she needs to protect herself, it's a scary world out there."

"The kid can literally make fire with her hands, I think she's gonna be okay!"

I tried to sneak off, get away from this situation. Obviously I was caught by the super bros.

"Hand the knife over.."

"But it's pretty!"

"I don't care, I really don't trust you with something like that!"


I handed my new toy over, feeling sort of defeated. I went to my room, feeling bored and wanting to do something fun. There was a knock at the door and before I could say anything, greasy literally walked through my wall.

"Okay, I'm oddly used to that since Vision does it, but it's still weird!"

"Calm down, look what I have"

He handed me my confiscated dagger and I looked at him confused.

"Just don't tell Stark.. okay?"


He left my room and I called upon JARVIS to get me Peter. 

"Hey Y/N, so did you-"

He looked up and saw my knife in my hand.

"Look, I have a knife!"

"Um.. MR. STARK!"

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