012| Remember when

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It's safe to say, I was an asset to the Avengers. I mean, they knew from the day they requited me that I would be a piece of work. I remember that day as if it was yesterday.

1 year ago..

I pushed the keys into the lock, opening that dirty old apartment I lived in. Just home from school, getting ready to go to work. That was the plan anyway.

"Nice place, you-"

I threw a gush of wind directly at him, knocking the stranger to the floor.

"Who are you and why the fuck are you in my home!"

"Okay easy tiger, I'm Tony Stark, I wanna make you an Avenger."

"Oh, Y/N, nice to meet you!"

I allowed him to stand up as I made myself a snack.

"Thats all you have to say? I'm making you a superhero!"

"I mean my heads not that far up my ass so.."

"Nice one. So can I get a bit more about you, other than your name?"

"I'm Y/N L/N, I live here alone, I like to build thing and I can control the elements for no apparent reason"

"Wait where are your parents?"

"I don't know, never have"

"You can move into the tower, I'll see to it"

"I can't just become an Avenger!"


"I have work, in like 10 minute.."

"Get your stuff ready and lets go"

I mean I did what the man who just broke into my home said and got my shit together. Stranger danger was completely thrown out the window right here as I hopped into an expensive ass car. Thankfully, he wasn't gonna kill me, just put me in situations where I may die. I walked into a room filled with the most powerful people on earth and did not take it seriously, like at all.

"Who are these, your goons?"

"Eh, were the Avengers?" Captain America said.

"Shut up spangles, I was clearly speaking to Tony. God some people.."

"Oh god, Tony got another kid!" 

"Fuck off Pocahontas, they all have something to say."

"Play nice and introduce yourself."

"Oh shit, okay. Sup assholes, I'm Y/N. I'm powerful as fuck and I like microwave popcorn"

"How can we trust this mortal?"

"Why is that one wearing a full ass curtain?"

"Y/N, quit it for a moment. We can trust her Thor. Go sit down and get to know the team."

I moved over to the sofa and realised the only free seat, was occupied by a hammer, definitely Thors hammer. I wanted to sit down so I moved it to the table, that brought conversation to a complete stop.

"How the hell-"

"I told you this kid was good!"

"Okay, all I did was move a lump of metal?"

"That means you are worthy of the gods, you can claim the throne of Asgard!"

"The fuck is an Asgard?"

"A planet, where Thor comes from" Tony explained.

"Nice, my first order of business on Asgard as there queen will be to kill all men! Well only the bad ones and the ones that annoy me"

"Never let this mortal touch Asgardian soil.."

"Oh I won't don't worry Thor"

The Gen-Z Avenger (One-Shots!)Where stories live. Discover now