028| The President

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"I'm bored!"

Usually, sentence such as this lead to mass destruction. Well from me, 'the girl who could blow up the planet for a dare' quote from Steve, being bored usually lead to being grounded.

"Well then, what shall we do?"

Yeah I was also bored whist hanging out with the god of mischief, Loki. We all know this isn't going to end well, its inevitable.

"Ow, have you every done a prank call!"

"No, how does it work?"

"You turn on no call ID and call your friends, pretending to be someone else!"


First up, we called Captain America, the iced americano. I called him, letting him know that I was sending someone to take his shield under government order. He quickly agreed, then hung up the phone. After a few minutes, I heard a soft cry from his bedroom.

"We made him cry, over losing his shield.."

"Should we tell him?"

"Lets leave it a minute.."

We were flicking through the number we had, knowing we didn't have anyone interesting to call. I did however have a risky idea, one that could get me killed.

"What if we steal Tony's phone, he has like government people on it"

"How do we get his phone?"

"I don't even think we need his phone, JARVIS!"

"Yes Y/N?"

"Do you have access to Tony's contacts, like all the phone numbers he has?"

"Of course."

"Can I see?"


"How did you-"

"I was given complete access to all of JARVIS information and abilities by a very drunk Tony who definitely doesn't remember doing it."

"Alright, so who do we call?"

We searched through all of the options, finding a gold mine. A contact with the name, 'The President'. I looked to Loki who was definitely ready to cause some carnage.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Yeah we have a pizza for a Mr. File?"

"What?! I did order that!"

"Are you're not a Peter File?"

"Who is this?! How did you get my number?!"

"Sorry for bothering you them Mr. File, see you!"

"Wait who-"

We hung up to the phone and burst out laughing, knowing how much trouble we were about to get in. Through out our laughter, Father arrived, he looked pissed.

"You prank called the president?!"

"And Steve, we called him too"

"So you're the reason Steve is crying!"


"Are we going to discuss why the president is calling me, telling me some is calling him 'Peter File' and trying to deliver a pizza to him?!"

"That sounds like us yeah.."

"Your an idiot, but for some reason my respect has grown for you.."

"Because I prank called the literal head of state?"


"You really have no idea how to parent me, do you?"

"Not a clue, I didn't expect someone so insane.."

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