021| Roadies

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This story is long as fuck, like 2300 words, wow go me. Next part will be the aftermath of this experience!

Loki was popping by the tower more often, Tony didn't like that. Whenever he was here, I always found a way to cause trouble. That was the case this time around.


"Yes greasy?"

"Have you ever, travelled?"

"I've been all over New York but never left the state, why do you ask?"

"What if, we went on a road trip!"

"Okay, who else can we bring?"

He turned his head in the direction to the most comedic duo to ever take residence in this tower, Bucky and Sam. Currently, they were competing in a contest of who can get more grapes in their mouth at one time.

"Yeah they will do"

I packed a small bag and grabbed some snacks. I wasn't planning on telling Tony. I see how bad of an idea that was but he didn't need to know, did he?

"Y/N are you ready?"

"Coming Barnes!"

"Where you going?"

I froze to the sound of Tonys snitch, Vision. He couldn't know, he was going to find out maybe, probably, but I needed a was to throw him off my trail.

"Hey Vis, how's Wanda?"

"Very good, where are you-"

"You should take her to the movies tonight, I think she would enjoy that"

"Yes alright, but where-"

"Look at the time, best be going!"

"But where-"

I sprinted down the hall away from the robot who was devoted to know my where about's in the coming hours. Running outside to see Bucky's pick-up trunk ready to go, I jumped into the cargo bed, placing my belongings in it.

"Drive! The snitch is coming!"

Bucky stepped on it and headed straight out of the compound, racing onto a random high way. While the car was moving, I managed to climb into the back seat to sit beside Loki.

"Hey fellas, where we off to?"

"I don't know, an hour ago I definitely didn't expect to be doing this!" Sam laughed.

"Okay.. what don't we just pick a state and go there?"

"Deal, first pick is Y/N cause of this insane idea, it seems fitting."

"Do we want a big, long drive?"

"Definitely, why where are you thinking?"


We decided to take the 12 hour drive to Chicago, only stopping for gas, snacks and to change driver. Eventually it came time for me to drive, but there was one problem.

"Uh.. I don't know how to drive.."

"Your Starks kid, but you can't drive?" Sam laughed.

"Apparently I'm a hazard to the road.."

So on hour 7 of driving, the three men decided to try and teach me how to drive. We pulled up to an empty parking lot and they explained it to me.

"See! Y/N's a natural at this!"

"Yeah is she good enough to get us where we need to go?" Loki asked.

"She can drive for like an hour or so, then we will switch again.."

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