065| Asgard

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I wasn't allowed leave the planet. In fact my father thought that there was genuinely no way I could do such a thing. But I still did.

I have come to believe nothing can stop me, I mean like my bestie Loki, I am a god. So with my main character, bad bitch attitude, I decided to stir some drama up.

"I've never seen any pictures of Asgard.." I sighed to Loki, looking for some attention.

"Why have a photograph if you can see it for yourself?" He laughed, not expecting what would happen next.

"Then show me it.."

"No, your not allowed.."

"I wasn't allowed on two road trips, to go after a senator, bully Sharon, get a dog, burn half my school down-"

"You did arson, without me?!"

"Oh calm down, I did accidental arson. All I'm saying is, my dumb actions have amazing outcomes."

"You tell nobody.." He said, standing up and walking outside.

So he brought me out into this nice looking field and began to yell.

"Heimdall! Bring me back!" 

"Who the fuck is helium?! Why are we screaming-"

Before I could finish talking, this big as beam of light just swooped us into space. Now, I have never been to space, so I was a tad bit confused that this was the most convenient was to vibe there. 

We arrived in what must be the space airport or some bullshit like that. There was this golden dude just chilling but when he saw me, he looked a little concerned.

"You brought a midgard here?!" He questioned.

"Yeah, she is fine. I will supervise.."

"Sup bitch.." 

This made him even more confused, maybe my foreign language of being a bad bitch was simply lost on him.

So we made to a castle made of like solid gold, like this shit was fire as fuck.

"So we will need to avoid my father by-"

"Sis we ain't avoiding your dad. I need to see the bitch who gave you and Thor daddy issues."

"No Y/N we-"

Ya bore me Loki, like your genuinely annoy me, like no fun at all. So I just teleported out of this bitch to what appeared to be like the main area with a throne. 

Sat on the throne was this Walmart Santa Clause looking bitch just chilling. He had like a fancy stick and crown and by using my big squishy brain, I figured it was bestie Odin.

"Who might you be, child?"

"Oh honey, don't call me child.."

"You didn't answer me.."

"I'm Y/N, guessing your Odin?"

"Are you here to kill me?"

"Although my first thought is usually murder, I would like to enjoy my vacation.."

"Where are you from, child.."

"Okay bro, the child thing. Earth, fun place.."

"Ah, pathetic midgardian, you-"

So bestie calls me pathetic, what did I do? Flicked out my hand to create that bomb ass fire sword thats what I did.

"Okay let's try this again. I'm Y/N, the hot one with the elemental control. You really gonna call me pathetic because-"

"What the hell are you doing!?" Loki said appearing in the throne room.

"Do you know her?!" Odin said.

"She's my best friend, I wouldn't talk back to her because she is a bad bitch.." He said, crossing his arms.

"She's an elemental.." He said, standing up to look to me.

"Yeah bestie, what about it?"

"Not completely interesting, I have seen much better as-"

"Okay you know what! I'm making a claim to the Asgardian throne, because I'm worthy of the gods!"

"WHAT?!" They both yelled.

"Do you know what you're doing?!" Loki yelled.

"I have no idea what I'm doing but it's all in favour of beating the crusty white guy!" I yelled in confusion.

Many conversations occurred after that, mainly why this teenage girl who was hot was claiming the throne. Everyone was yelling and I really was in for it now.

"You seriously came for the throne.." Loki said, paired with a face plant.

"Bestie came for me, so I just had something locked and loaded. I mean, I could kill all the men here and-"

"No were taking you off of this planet nope.." Loki said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the airport thingy.

I was zapped back to earth and had to explain what just happened.

"So you basically attempted to take over a planet cause a dude pissed you off?" Tony asked.

"You was a dick.."

"I seriously love thing kid.." Tony laughed, leaving the room.

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