057| How Not to Swear

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I was called for a private team meeting and decided to bring Peter and Loki with me. When I walked in, I saw Steve sat at the top of the room and just knew, I was in some form of trouble. 

"We need to review your last mission.." Steve said, playing a video.

It was a video from my last mission where I um, I did my fair share of swearing. Warning, the following is most definietly not family friendly.

"Get the fuck off of me you dumbass mother fucking bitch!" I yelled, screaming at the bad guys.


Okay is see why this is bad.

"Can someone stop her swearing!" Steve yelled.

"Steve I will fucking break your knee caps!" I screamed.

"You mother fucking bitch I will fucking-" 

Steve had turned off of the video, placing the remote down on the table and staring with me.

"So this is what happened on our last mission.." Steve said.

"I don't see a problem.." I said, making the boys laugh.

"Look I'm gonna teach you how not to swear. Try substitute the 'F' word with Frick, go on, try it"


"Y/N!" He yelled.

"What? It's difficult not to swear.." I laughed.

"Say 'Frick'"


Steve was a little bit upset and getting was annoying.

"Try substitute the 'S' word for something else, now really try!"

"Sugar fucking muffins.."

Everyone was losing it now, I mean it was very funny. Steve pressed a button and a few minutes later, Tony arrived in.

"What are you doing to Steve.." Tony said, I mean you could tell be was holding his laughter back.

"Steve doesn't think I should say 'fuck' but I believe I should say it, might you have any opinion on such a matter?" I said, in the most professional term I could muster whist laughing.

"I believe that Mr. America should respect her right to freedom of speech.." He said, bestie was about to break.

"Tony did you hear her on the last mission?!" Steve said, this was getting too funny.

"I can't even, no sorry I can't-" Tony said, breaking character and almost falling to the ground with laughter.

"Stevie you just got be back, why are you trying to piss me off-" I said still laughing.

"I'm so over you all, I'm leaving.." Steve said giving up on us.

Steve left and me and my squad had lost it. I mean it took ages for us to collect our selfs because I mean really, what the fuck where we doing?

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