039| Power Trip (2)

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So yes, this is probably not my best idea but at this point, I was gonna roll with it.

"So you want to do this?"

"Greasy, we want this!"

"No I don't, I want to go back to bed!"

"I'll just manifest that you change your mind. Okay so I have like an idea."

"Hit me with it"

"Steve once said that the dude who made the super soldier serum died straight after he went all muscle man, thats why it was only him and Bucky. So they wanted to recreate that serum and they took his blood."

"Yeah, but they took a lot of his blood.."

"Because they didn't know what they were doing, it was like in the 40's and the scientists didn't not how to re-create it. What if the senator was trying to put my powers in someone else and had a scientist who knew what he was doing!"

"Then he would only need a small amount, but why?"

"More powerful soldiers, people who can bend the elements at will, who are also loyal to him.."

"It's a theory.."

"20 bucks if I'm right.."

"Deal, cause its too out there to be true.."

You see, I had never planned a mission, that was Steves thing. I also only had one teammate, so I wasn't really in the best shape.

"Okay I have a sort of plan.."

"Okay, let's hear it!"

"Senator Ross has seven hair appointments last week and-"

"How the hell did you figure that one out! Did you stalk him or something?!"

"Of course not!" 

No I definitely stalked him, he really isn't that interesting of a dude.

"Thats why you missed training, to spy on a white man!"

"For our top secret mission!"

"So you admit it, you're actually did that!"

Nobody could know about this mission, that was clear to me. Steve and Tony would shut me down and I couldn't have that.

"He walks into the hairdressers and then stays for hours each day, I believe there's like a base in the basement, where they are giving someone my powers-"

"We don't know that for sure!"

"-where they are elegiacally giving someone my powers. I wanna send you in there and scope it out.."

"I will not"

"Come one.."

"I refuse.."


"It will be embarrassing!"

"Maybe they can sort out the whole grease thing.."

"Y/N I will not do it"

Don't worry, he did do it. 

I pulled up to the dodgy hairdresser that Ross visited daily and sent Loki inside to get a hair cut. Loki was my eyes and just like I suspected, the senator strolled in.

"Keep eyes on him, steel otter.."

I was in Loki's car, which he bought and 100% did not steal, communicating with him over coms. Steel Otter was his code name, because I googled how the code names thing worked and this is funny.

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