0138| Fox News

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I did not appreciate that oranage crusty wig wearing son of a bitch being in office.

As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I felt rather unsafe when he was around, making all these homophobic ass laws.

As an Avenger, your not meant to discuss your political views with anyone in media. But back when the 2020 election was happening, I accidentally broke that rule.

It happened when I was trying to get snacks for a movie night, when reporters flooded the store asking me questions.

"Who are you voting for?"

Bestie, legally I cannot do such a thing.

"Who are you backing this election?!"

These potato chips.

"Do you support Donald Trump?!"

Now look, I'm not meant to answer these people back but when I couldn't get outside the store because there were so many people basically harassing me, I knew what I would do.

"Do you support President Trump?!" A reporter yelled out.

"I have never and will never support the orange in office. If he wanted to battle me on Twitter, he better get typing.." I yelled in response, taking their shock as a moment to escape.

However when I returned to the tower, Steve was questioning me as to why I was in national TV publicly saying I hated the president.

"We have to do damage control-"

"Father, I won't be seen to be doing damage control on this subject. That dick deserves to feel my rage.." I explained.

"Fox news called, your going on TV tomorrow to announce you take no side in the campaigning.." He said before leaving the room.

So he wanted me on Fox news. A news station that elegantly leans in favor of the republicans. Is Steve feeling okay? He's putting me in the belly of the beats to 'apologize'. He knows this can only end badly for him.

"Tonight on Fox we have a special guest, Y/N Stark Roger Barnes Romanoff.." She trailed off, allowing the camera to pan over to me.

"Pleasure to be here.." I fake smiled, because indeed, it was not.

"You made reports just yesterday about public denouncing president Trump, I mean you must regret it?" She smirked, hoping I would agree.

"If your asking me to retract my statement, I'm not gonna do that.." I replied.

"You insulted a president-"

"He has insulted basically every minority there is! Everyone has been hurt and offended by the works of a spray tan gone wrong who lacks the IQ to run a country!" I said in the calmest tone possible.

There was a bit of a shock that echoed through the news room, I mean like I gave a shit what the media said about me. Once, twitter told me I was pregnant with Steve Irwin's baby, guess I'm a mother. Wait isn't he dead? RIP I guess.

But they can talk shit all they want, I'll do what ever I fucking please, most of the time that means I'm doin queen shit.

You only live once, and I chose to do it like a baddie.

"Let's talk about retirement-"

"Sis I'm literally 17, this isn't going away anytime soon.." I said, looking her crusty ass up and down.

"But what age would you consider retirement, you want to have kids, raise a family-"

"Girl who says I wanna fly a human out of my vagina?" I responded.

"Well I guess that's just what we expect you to do.." She shrugged back.

"Expect the unexpected, because I'm not gonna conform to your stereotypes!" I yelled, now totally ready to leave.

You see I am sort of know for busting out of interviews, gotta stick with the marketing I guess.

"So are you saying we can't trust a 17 year old to save the world?" She asked, what an idiot.

"No you can't, cause she's 17! Yeah I'm powerful ass hell and can do the job, but I'm still a kid!" I yelled back.

"You know what, speaking completely unprofessionally here, you suck!" She yelled like the white middle aged mother she was.

"And you swallow.." I yelled before getting up and leaving the studio.

The ride home with Tony was silent until we parked the car, then he only told me to go inside and see Steve.

"You went on live TV and broke all the rules!" He yelled.

"Oh come on, what did you expect!" I yelled back.

"Better from you!" Steve yelled again.

"Can I go now, your killing the vibe?" I asked

"You are grounded! No Wanda!" He screamed.

"Ah hell no Frosty! You cant take her away from me!" I yelled back.

So it turns out he can.

But I can teleport, so who's the idiot now. At least twitter stans even more. Turns out there's Y/N simps.

I want my Wanda back.

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