030| Culture

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It is safe to say that sometimes the people in this tower had no idea of what I would call gen-z culture.So to help them, I organised a class for those who actually wanted to learn. Many enrolled, those who did include:

1. Steve


3. Bucky

4. Peter (moral support no dough)

5. Thor

6. Wanda

Bucky just like to be apart of what ever I'm doing, Steve was too curious, Nat wanted to see who would cry first and I don't think Thor knew what was going on.

I had my powerpoint made, classroom set up and was ready to begin my lesson.

"Okay so, today I'll be teaching you how to figure out someones sexuality through the form of music! You can basically ask them what they listen to, in which can indicate what their into.."

"But how does that work?"

"Okay, do you listen girl in red?"

"And what does that mean?"

"Asking a girl, if their into girls inclusively.."

"Hey Nat, do you listen to girl in red?" Thor asked.


"Okay lets move on! So if you ask someone if they listen to sweater weather, thats asking if they are bisexual.."

"Nat do you-"

"Shut it Thor!"

"Well lady Y/N, which one of these do you listen to?"

Yeah that question definitely caught me off guard.

"Okay! Moving on, moving on so fast!"

I looked to Wanda, who was most defiantly wanted to know the answer to that question.

"So, complimenting women boys on the street, not it"

"But what if I want her to know she's lovely!" Thor asked.

"Its harassment, and cat calling. Do it and I'll break your neck caps"

"Okay, I won't do that.."

"Next, this ones for Steve. It's pronounced "Tik Tok" not "Tic Tac", understand?"

"Yes I do-"

"But what do you listen to-" Thor really had to keep going.

"Okay meeting over! Same time next week? Cool!"

Definitely did not end a culture meeting on account of something I thought Thor to say. Maybe the people were right, knowledge is power. I should probably stop getting Parker to do my homework for me, it would probably be worth it. 

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