078| Zemo

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"Can I please go!"

"No Y/N, he's dangerous!"

"But please!"

There was a mission I wanted to be apart off. It involved visiting a certain terrorists prison cell and getting information on Hydra. 

"I said no!"

Bucky was adamant that I wouldn't see his old pal, but still, I wanted to go. It was a good skill to have, meeting evil dudes and getting information.

"I won't be in their alone, you can supervise!" I begged, following Bucky around until he ultimately allowed me to do what I wanted.

"Zemo is a terrorist! I'm not putting my daughter in the proximity of a terrorist!"

"But please!"

"Come on Buck, she can handle herself" Sam called, you are my favourite now.

"I will be right next to you at all times, you don't speak, you don't breath unless I give you permission.." Bucky sternly said, I guess the cool dad was gone and protective mode was activated.

"Yay!" I yelled, throwing my hands around him before running of to tell my Wanda that I got to do something important for once.

"You don't get that kid killed.." Sam said.

"I'm hardly gonna let my kid get hurt Sam, relax"

So I went to prison, just to see a dude that knew about Hyrda, but I felt like the officers knew I had done some not so legal things.

"In here, remember what I said okay?" Bucky said, holding onto my arm as if he had no intention of letting go.

We arrived into a cell, with only one bed for the one man in which occupied it. He had a glass wall built, like a zoo attraction you could look at but not touch.

"James, I expected you sooner.." He spoke, in a fucking hot accent.

"Well Bucky, you didn't tell me he was hot.." I joked, looking to my dad that was not at all amused.

"Who is this?" He asked, slowly gesturing to me.

"Oh hey bitch, I'm Y/N. I'm basically the cool Avenger, the hot one and the start one so-"

"So don't talk to her because you will have me to deal with" Bucky interrupted, I mean bro I was monologging and what you did was just plain rude.

"Then why did you bring her, if she is not allowed to speak?" 

"Because she begged and it got annoying.."

"Well I don't have to hurt her, because you can. Желание. Ржавый. Семнадцать-" Zemo said, reciting some bullshit that I knew was probably not going to work.

"Thats not gonna work Zemo" Bucky replied, much to Zemo's surprise.

Called it.

"That, is a shock.." He mysteriously said, "well I suppose you are here for information. In your own words soldier, I am ready to comply.

By the end of the visit, I was glad that someone had gone with Bucky. He seemed to be really upset by the time we finished and hurried on out of the cell. 

"Bucky, are you good?" I said, although he just continued down the hallway, "Bucky talk to me!"

He was just silent, so I decided to do the one thing in which would make him speak. A hug.

"What are you-"

Just a hug, I knew how to comfort him without the use of words.

"Lets um, let's get some lunch.." He said, wrapping his arms around me and leading us out of the prison.

"Also stop calling people 'babe', just stop" I said once we were outside, knowing that that had just killed the moment.

"Glad to have you kid, very glad.."

I think he got this mission for closure, closure I could help him get. Helping Bucky out was a rare thing, he liked his independence, but I'm glad this could have helped.

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