020| Assemble

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"Hello. Yeah, this is Tony.. Y/N DID WHAT?!"

You're probably wondering what I had done this time that my school had to call my father and bring him in. I should explain it myself, before that flash kid can speak. Maybe what I did to. his nose won't allow him to speak, thats a good option.

"Hey Tony..."

"What the hell did you do!"

"That kid over there, his name is Flash. He had been giving Peter a really hard time long before you put me in this school!"

"So why did you break his nose!? You know Nat said you're not to use any of her moves unless you're on a mission!"

"He was bullying Peter again but then he moved on to me, wrapping his had around my waist and when I told him to stop, he kept going! So I broke his nose to get him off of me.."


"Your not mad?!"

"Oh no, you had a perfectly good reason for this, let's head inside."

Tony argued with the principal of Midtown High for about an hour. The principal was more concerned with Flashes nose than how he was treating the people around him. Eventually, received two weeks worth of detention, starting next Monday. Arriving back home, I threw myself into my room, not wanting to speak. Tony did that for me.

"So Y/N broke a kids nose today-"

"I told her not to use my moves unless it's a mission!" Nat yelled.

"Because some guy who bully Peter kept grabbing her. She got two weeks of detention, he just got his nose badly broken"

"How is that fair?" Steve said.

"It's not.."

"I know what we can do.." Nat smiled.

The next day it felt like all eyes were on me as I walked through the hall. I just wanted to get through the day, so I kept my head down. After what felt like the longest day ever, the bell rang for me to leave.

Walking out of the building, I noticed a crowd gathering around an all black car. Arriving closer, I noticed that they were surrounding Nat, Steve, Bucky and Sam, who for some reason we're apparently picking me up. I pushed through the crowd, trying to get to them to see what was going on.

"Nat? Steve? What are you guys doing here, at my school?"

"Cause we don't have training today and you know how much Bucky likes to see things about your life"

That was true. Bucky had this odd obsession with Peter and my life that I found cute. He likes to test himself on facts about us, Steve said it was to help him with his memory problems.

"That I do, so this is where you and Parker are schooled? Interesting-"

"Hey, you're the Avengers!"

I turned to see Flash, nose in cast, moving closer to me and the team.

"Get lost Flash!" 

"Wait this is Flash? You know, I thought Y/N the move that broke your nose" Nat smirked.

"Wait Y/N, you know the Avengers?!"

"I literally live with them.. Oh shit Starks gonna kill me for that!"

"Its fine, your dad cleared it" Sam said.

"Wait your Tony Starks kid?!"

"See what your after doing birdbrain! Okay in the car, escape now please"

I practically had to shove the team into the car, dropping all the big secrets people were not meant to know.

"I hate you all"

"We love you too Y/N.."

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