099| Thalia and Gabriel

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"You mean the people that fucked around and created the hottest person to ever walk the face of the earth? No thanks I have parents.." I said, putting the cup down and standing up.

"I promised you I would provide a location for those who landed here on earth, your parents are those people-' She said.

"I have parents! I have my perfect life, which in some way is your doing! Look lady, I was only tolerating you, I can teleport out of here at any given moment. I don't even know what hemisphere I'm in!" I yelled.

I did attempted to teleport, although for some reason I couldn't. It was like some sort of barrier that wouldn't allow me to leave. 

"You shall follow me, I said I would provide answers.."

So yes, I did follow the women to find out who my birth givers were. 

"I don't even know there names.." I said as we stood outside the door.

"Thalia and Gabriel Y/L/N.." She smiled opening the door.

I think I've mentioned before that I never wanted to meet my birth givers. Like now I understand that I was removed from them, I still don't want to.

When the door opened these two individuals stood up from a sofa with tears streaming down their faces. I wasn't as emotion and Davina sort of pushed me into the room as she closed the door. The women, Thalia, had covered her mouth in shock or something as I sat in the chair across from them. The man, Gabriel, had a look of pure disbelief.

There was a silence, which was followed by them insinuating conversation.

"We have thought about this day for so long, so many years.." Gabriel said, looking to me.

"We never thought we would find you, we never thought our daughter would be-" Thalia began.

"Yeah thats cool, do you know how I can get out of here because my girlfriend is probably hurting someone-" I said, standing up to scan the room for an exit.

"But what about us? Were your parents and-"

"You aren't my parents," I said turning to face them, "I don't know what Mother Gothel out there told you but my name is no longer Y/N L/N. I have Tony, Nat, Bucky and even fucking Steve!"

"We made you.." The women yelled, standing up.

"Yeah and thanks for that favour.." I said, looking around, "Look maybe on a separate occasion we can reschedule this but I would really like to get home to my girlfriend!"

"You have a girlfriend?" Gabriel said, turning to Thalia, "We have missed so much. Can you at least tell us about yourself.."

Knowing I probably wouldn't have a way out for a while, I sat back down and began to give these people a taste of what there of-spring is.

"I live in New York, I'm an Avenger. I have an amazing girlfriend, who is really just the best thing that ever happened to me, her name is Wanda and she s beautiful. I have amazing parents, four of them because thats just how it worked out. I'm best friends with a god who has greasy hair and a twerp that was bit by a spider.."

I took this time to fake cry, so I could leave the room and scout and exit. Like oh my god I'm so emotional, some other bullshit about feelings, I'm just gonna run to the bathroom because tears.

I was highly convincing. I went down this long hallway, searching for an empty room to use this emergency burner phone Bucky and Nat had advised me to implement. Whilst running, I over heard someone speaking.

"...and when they convince her to join us, the earth shall bend at my will.."

Well that was ominous. The sneaky spy in me managed to see who was speaking about such 2012 Loki vibes and it was indeed the kidnapper, Miss Davina something. I cannot remember that bitches surnames she was sort of irrelevant.

So great, someone else is now planning global domination and I actually have to move to do something about it. I just wanna go back to bed.

So I ran down the hall to an empty room, took out my burner and call the one number I had bothered to learn.


"Y/N, you're alive!? Oh my god I love you so much, are you okay?!" She yelled.

"Yes, we'll no. A lot of shit has gone down and basically there's a bitch attempting world domination and needs me to do it. It's the same lady that Tony and all met when they failed to keep me safe from kidnapping!" I explained.

"Okay, okay I'm putting you on speaker so everyone can hear you!" She called, my poor sweet baby sounded like she was crying which broke my hear a little. Not a little like very much so.

"So basically, I am apart of some prophecy and I think bestie floating lady wants me to commit global take over with her. I also met the people who fucked me into existence so add that to the list of trauma-"

There was an eruption of yelling on the other end of the line, I guess there were many questions as to the situation where I met these people.

"They were also the space people so, I guess thats ones mystery solved.."

"Darling are you alright?" Wanda asked.

"I have not yet processed everything, one issue at a time. So we can handle the elemental wanting to destroy us all and then the fact that I met my birthers-"

I could hear someone walking the halls and so I decided to say goodbye, incase it was Thalia, Gabriel or Davina on the look for me. After a few moments, I slipped out of that random room and back to my birthers, with the loaded question.

"Why the fuck do you expect me to be interested in in destroying my planet?!"

The question caught them off guard and they looked at each other in confusion, then back to me.

"Did Master Davina explain the prophecy to you?!" Thalia said.


"Well then you know, because of who you are you will serve Davina.." Gabriel spoke.

"I will serve nobody but myself, well and Wanda. I also didn't get this far, what do you mean who I am?!"

"You know, the dominatrix.."

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