0112| The Zoo

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Bucky loves entering radio contests.

Once we were in the car, listening to some tunes and a radio competition posed up and Bucky was confused. Ever since he discovered these contests, he takes part in every single one he can find. To this day, Buck has only won once, and the pure excitement that occurred when he did.

"I DID IT Y/N!" He yelled, almost making me drop my cereal.

"What did you do this time Dad?" I asked, sitting to the table as my very sleep deprived self.

"I WON US TICKETS TO THE ZOO!" He yelled, jumping up and down in excitement.

What I learned was that Bucky had entered a radio contest and won a free family pass to the zoom. He was so excited and I found it adorable.

We decided to make a day out of it, Bucky used his family pass to get me, my other dads and my mom in and Tony paid for everyone else.

One thing I forgot was, Thor did not know what a lot of the animal were. So there was the a lot of confusion.

"Lady Y/N, what is is the thing doing the stage walk.." Thor asked, holding his ballon and looking into the enclosure.

"Well, thats a penguin.." I replied.

Bestie then processed to walk like a penguin and say,

"Hello Sir Penguin, I am Thor, Son of Odin!" and press his face right up against the glass.

Peter wanted to go to the Arachnids house, because he's a spider or something. He begged Tony to go with him, which is when I realised that my father, was scared of spiders.

"Thought nothing scared you? Huh?" I said, practically pushing this man near the spiders little house.

"I'm not.." He said, it was not a convincing statement.

Peter had brought along MJ who was rambling on about how one day the animals could be visiting the humans in zoos, I seriously don't understand what part of twitter this bitch it on. Peter said it wasn't a day, but then again it sort of was. I don't understand that boy.

Steve thought this was cool, Nat had never actually been to the zoo and he was like coaching her through it. I found it cute, but not as cute as when Wanda found the red pandas. I will treasure the video Bucky accidentally took. Poor old man just wanted a selfie.

When the sun went down we decided to head out the main gates and make our way home. It had been a lovely family day out for the gang gang.

"Wait a second-" I said as we walk out the main gate, turning to stuff the gate itself for a moment.

"What is she-" Steve began.

"Shush, you will interrupt something genius.." Wanda said, blocking him from talking.

"This is the zoo they filmed the Madagascar movie in!" I yelled, turning back to Wanda in excitement.

"She does know that movie is animate, right?" Peter whispered to Loki.

"Just let her have this one.." Loki whispered back.

"I LOVE YOU KING JULIAN!" Wanda yelled, doing her best impression.

Its safe to say we played a bit of 'I like to move it' on the way home, a great jam of you ask me.

Bucky still enters them radio contests ever time he hears one, although he's yet to win again. I wonder what his next prize could be?



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