0142| The Date Plan

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Loki needs a partner, I mean they are the single friend.

And when someone like them is the single friend, they love to complain. I found someone, so it shouldn't be too hard for them to do the same.

"So let's go over some banned talking points-"

Currently we were in a coffee shop, sat at a window seat, watching for potential dates my dear friend could possibly get.

"Maybe don't talk about attempting to take over this planet, or that you can turn into random and animals, or that you like to stab people.." I suggested.

"Good idea.." They agreed.

"Theres a cute guy over there, do you want me to go chat you up?" I asked.

"Alright, I'll just flick through twitter, looking natural.." They nervously smiled, shifting in their chair and beginning to look 'natural'.

So I headed over to his tall, brown haired man who was typing something on his laptop and drinking an iced coffee. The fact that it was iced once a clue of the fruitiness, the dude had also cuffed his jeans which was the other.

"Hey, I'm Y/N.." I smiled, taking the handshake he offered.

"I'm Owen.." He smiled back.

"So I was wondering, do you see my friend over there? Their name is Loki-"

"Strange name, Loki. Pretty name, but I've never heard it before.." He smiled, oh he was definitely into Loki.

"Well Loki is single, and they like carrot cake.." I smirked, leaving his table and heading to get another drink.

So Owen followed my guidance and got Loki some carrot cake, took a deep breath and headed to the table.

I saw it all happen, Loki was into him, He was into Loki. Seemed like everything was going okay and that Loki hadn't explored his 'I low key want world domination and waffles' side. I mean good job.

Eventually the guy left and I return to Loki to see how the whole thing went.

"So how is Owen and-"

"Yeah cool, see that girl over there. She keeps eyeing me up and she winked at me, go talk me up!" They said.

"But Owen was nice! He's cute too!" I argued.

"We have a date next Thursday, and anyway, your meant to be my wingwomen! Go do your job!" They yelled, flicking me away.

"Alright, dickhead.." I mumbled, approaching the nice lady.

I worked my magic and for some reason, this ball of grease with daddy issues was apparently highly attractive to those around us. I mean I don't get it, they are grease and psychotic, you'd need some serious issues to be interested in Loki.

Once they were finally finished talking it the lady, who's name was Lizzie I came to discover, I arrived back to the table to see if they wanted me to do my 'job' again. I mean I don't need a third job, this was simply volunteer work.

"She's very nice, we're going out on Thursday.." They smiled.

"This Thursday or next Thursday?" I asked, thinking of bestie Owen.

"Next Thursday.."

Now you may be wondering, why could this absolute idiot not remember the plans they made a half an hour ago? Well the answers simple, their an absolute idiot.

When we arrived home, I informed some people about their big brain move and long story short, we bet on how long it would take them to realize.

I took the pot home, choosing the night before and a large panic attack to go with it. I just forgot the part where they would choose to inflict this panic on me.

"What do I do?! I wasn't built for this player life style!" They yelled, pacing around the room.

"Well I made 200 bucks off of you being stupid, so I don't really care what you do.." I giggled.

"Well there's only one logical thing to do.." They answered, formulating a plan.

"You cancel one of the dates-" I suggested.

"-I attend both dates by switching tables, using the same restaurant.." They suggested at the same time.

"Or have one lunch date and one dinner date?" I said, trying to make them less dumb.

"My plan is fool proof!"

What they did forget to mention was that they were the fool, meaning that their plan was going to go wrong somewhere along the line.

What ended up happening was, Loki went to the bathroom multiple times, prompting Owen to see if they were okay, then walking pasted them sitting and eating with Lizzie. Apparently their was a bit of an argument and Loki got slapped, twice.

So that's the lesson the god of stupidity thought us all today, don't schedule two dates at the same time with two perfectly good people. Cause your gonna get slapped and have wine thrown on you.

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