0163| Bullying is Okay

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The raccoon trash panda looking ass space whore is an annoying bitch.

Eventually, however, it came to the point where we both needed to be friends. Because me constantly dragging that hoe was interfering with missions and stuffs.

But for the future, and friendship with a guardian was deemed critical and beneficial.

Y'all here something? Anyways. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have anything in common with the rabbit. So when I was told to bond with it, I was like 'over what?'.

So we were sat in a room, by ourselves. So there was that iconic uncomfortable silence that everyone adores, sarcasm if you didn't catch that. So let's see what's up.

"So um, what do you do besides being a bitch?" I asked.

"Well, what do you do besides being a Wanda simp?" He clapped back.

"Don't be a whore, whore.." I yelled back.

"I think you should close your mouth for a few minutes, cause your just spraying trash.." The rat replied.

"Says the hoe that's literally a trash panda.." I replied.

After a much longer awkward silence, I used my large squishy brain to decide on something fun to do.

"Wanna bully kids on Roblox?" I asked.

"I don't know what a Roblox is, but I wanna do the bullying part.." He sighed, taking an iPad off of me.

So we made him an account, a pretty amazing username I might add. Trash_panda77. I mean there was already a Trash_Panda, fake ass bitch I guess.

"So like, what do I do know?" The clueless bitch asked.

"You join a game and roast their asses.." I explained.

So first we joined Jailbreak, a prison escape one. Rocket the whore seemed to like the idea of escaping prison, apparently, since it reminded of a joyful prison escape he was a part of.

I mean, same. Wait, that's not at this point in time. We need to wait.

After he got tired of stealing cars and robbing banks, we moved onto Brookhaven, deciding to troll children on that.

"Yes, mum!" Some fucking 12-year-old types in the chat.

"Omg who's that!" Another child yelled, looking at two people standing in the window.

"We are the world worst *******" Rocket attempted to type, then looking up to me.

"Yeah, they don't really appreciate the whole cursing thing on this app.." I added, not that he appreciated it.

In the end, we decided to basically blow the family's up, with our unkind words. I mean separate, we're assholes, together, we're the biggest and baddest hoes around. Unstoppable with our insults and filterless at the same time.

"Look at that dumbass bitch, I'm stealing her baby.." The raccoon announced.

"You do you, sis. Burn it if you want.." I replied.

"Why weren't we friends before, our attitudes are like the same, we would be iconic?" The raccoon asked.

"Because I found you insufferable and annoying.." I bluntly responded.

"Yeah, same. Fun idea, let's steal Bucky's arm and hit him with it!" He declared.

"I like the way you think racoon, I really do.."

So it began, the beginning of something glorious. We put our differences aside, they were very big differences l tell you. But I guess we could be a couple of besties.

It worked out well, I mean it would have needed to.

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