097| The Elementals

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Usually, I dislike wasting up in a strange place after being kidnapped.

It was sort of consensual kidnapping, I wanted to go the lady just kinda took me here. I'm still gonna add it to the list of times I've been kidnapped.

I was a bit foggy when I woke up, you know I had a logical reason, I was fucking knocked out by a stranger who can float. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my Thursday but I guess there isn't much I can do about it.

"Finally, your awake.." The women spoke after a few moments.

She caught me off guard guard, I hadn't fully assessed the situation just yet. I was on some sort of bed in a large room. The women, who went by Davina, was pour two cups what I could presume to be tea.

She was quite a beautiful women know that I could see her face and I like women, so thats a hight compliment, but I also have a girlfriend so don't try anything. She sat in front of me, handing me the cup, although I was hesitant to drink. I also wasn't able to drink.

"You handcuffed me? Kinky.." I said, as she put the cup on the table instead of my hand.

"They are to restrain your powers, you won't be able to-"

Won't be able to use my powers? Nah I just looked at the things and they snapped right off.

"You were saying.." I said, finally getting some of that tea. It was nice tea.

"Your a lot more powerful than the prophecy suggested.." She said in awe.

"Sorry, prophecy?" I asked.

A little bit confusing, you know I didn't think I was a fucking prophecy baby but sure why not.

"Look lady, I know very very little about a prophecy or my parents, actually I know nothing at all!"I said, hoping she would elaborate on the situation.

"Over 200 years ago," Great sis is monologging, grabs some snacks, "I was graced with the power of elemental control by a sorcerer. By unlocking the element to me, he said future individuals would also gain this power across the stars.."

"You said element, singular.."

It was a serious question, I mean I had like all the elements not to brag, but did she just have one?"

"Yes. There are just over 100 elementals across the stars, all in which have a single elements. You are a product of a relationship that should have never occurred-"

"So I was a mistake? Fuck thats great to know" I said, leaning back in the chair.

"Your parents were born of the same day, they both displayed elemental traits and were both of earth. When I received my powers I was worried thats when this occurs, to keep the pair way from each other as the off spring would be too powerful. Your mother hid her pregnancy for months, by then it was too late.."

"So, where are they now and why was I given up?" I asked, wanting the facts.

"When you are an infant, you should display signs of elemental control in your first few days of live. After almost two months, you had shown none. I thought the prophecy had been avoided and your parents still had to be. punished. I was the one who sent you away-"

"So you're to blame for my shit childhood?!" I said, standing up to yell.

"You parents took a ship and headed off together for the stars. They kept on the search for you digitally.." She said, looking down, I could on hope it was because she was ashamed.

"So all of this, my life, is because of you!" I yelled.

It was a moment I couldn't get my head around. I was receiving the sort of answers I hoped for, like the egg chicken thing, but my parents. I sat back on the sofa, attempting to process the information I had longed for for a lifetime.

"It makes sense why they would return today.." She mustered.

This broke my train of thought, the people on that ship were my parents, my fucking parents.

"Why would they return today?!" I frantically asked.

"Because its your birthday.." She said with concern.

"My birthday was like months ago, your mistaken.." I laughed, maybe she had the wrong orphan named Y/N who could control all the elements, it could happen.

"You were born today, on (your birthday), I knew where we sent you would get it wrong.." She said, making another cup of tea for herself.

So today I learned I was a mistake and that I'm actually younger somehow. I mean the real icing on the cake occurred after.

"Would you like to meet them?" She asked.

"Meet who?"

"Your parents.."

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